Hacker News 簡訊 2021-03-17

最後更新時間: 2021-03-17 23:00

  1. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade EGA/VGA Comparison - (superrune.com)
    印第安納瓊斯與最後十字軍東征EGA/VGA比較 [谷歌翻譯版]
  2. Milky Way, 12 years, 1250 hours of exposures and 125 x 22 degrees of sky - (astroanarchy.blogspot.com)
    銀河系,12年,1250小時的曝光和125×22度的天空 [谷歌翻譯版]
  3. Claude Shannon: The Mathematical Theory of Cryptography - (evervault.com)
    克勞德·香農:密碼學的數學理論 [谷歌翻譯版]
  4. FreeBSD 13.0 – Full Desktop Experience - (tubsta.com)
    FreeBSD 13.0–全桌面體驗 [谷歌翻譯版]
  5. Google Play service fee reduced to 15% for the first $1M/year - (googleblog.com)
    谷歌Play服務費首個100萬美元/年降至15% [谷歌翻譯版]
  6. International Space Station Traffic - (supercluster.com)
    國際空間站交通 [谷歌翻譯版]
  7. SQLAlchemy 1.4 - (sqlalchemy.org)
    SQLAlchemy 1.4版 [谷歌翻譯版]
  8. How to See S3 Bucket Storage Types and Storage Costs - (vantage.sh)
    如何查看S3存儲桶類型和存儲成本 [谷歌翻譯版]
  9. Common Mistakes of New Engineering Managers - (ochronus.online)
    新工程經理的通病 [谷歌翻譯版]
  10. Computer tool spots deepfakes via tiny reflections in the eyes - (newatlas.com)
    電腦工具通過眼睛的微小反射來識別假貨 [谷歌翻譯版]
  11. I self-learned to code at 30 - (kaapi.team)
    我30歲自學了密碼 [谷歌翻譯版]
  12. Puzzl (YC S19) Is Hiring an Early Full Stack Engineer - (notion.so)
    Puzzle(YC S19)正在僱傭一名早期的全棧工程師 [谷歌翻譯版]
  13. Why in the world would you own bonds? - (bridgewater.com)
    你爲什麼要擁有債券? [谷歌翻譯版]
  14. The Modern Java Platform – 2021 Edition - (jamesward.com)
    現代Java平臺—2021版 [谷歌翻譯版]
  15. When Sick Cows Can't Be Culled - (undark.org)
    當病牛不能被宰殺時 [谷歌翻譯版]
  16. Line app allowed Chinese firm to access personal user data - (therecord.media)
    Line應用允許中國公司訪問個人用戶數據 [谷歌翻譯版]
  17. gRPC Is Easy to Misconfigure - (evanjones.ca)
    gRPC很容易被誤解 [谷歌翻譯版]
  18. Avoid Consumer Routers - (routersecurity.org)
    避免使用路由器 [谷歌翻譯版]
  19. GitHub, fuck your name change - (mooseyanon.medium.com)
    GitHub,去你媽的換名字 [谷歌翻譯版]
  20. Tusky has been removed from the Play Store - (chaos.social)
    塔斯基已經從遊戲商店裏搬走了 [谷歌翻譯版]
  21. Wikipedia Is Finally Asking Big Tech to Pay Up - (wired.com)
    維基百科終於要求大科技公司付錢了 [谷歌翻譯版]
  22. Self-Hosting Git - (peppe.rs)
    自託管Git [谷歌翻譯版]
  23. JingPad A1 – Consumer-level Linux Tablet - (jingos.com)
    JingPad A1–消費者級Linux平板電腦 [谷歌翻譯版]
  24. Erasure in Database Modeling - (minimalmodeling.substack.com)
    數據庫建模中的擦除技術 [谷歌翻譯版]
  25. Ransonware as a Weapon – Interview with REvil’s Unknown - (therecord.media)
    勒索軟件作爲武器-採訪雷維爾的未知 [谷歌翻譯版]
  26. AstraZeneca vaccine doesn't prevent B1351 Covid in early trial - (umn.edu)
    阿斯利康疫苗在早期試驗中不能預防B1351冠狀病毒 [谷歌翻譯版]
  27. Why COBOL Isn't the Problem - (lucidchart.com)
    爲什麼COBOL不是問題 [谷歌翻譯版]
  28. What Are Operators in C? - (usemynotes.com)
    C中的運算符是什麼? [谷歌翻譯版]
  29. Apple’s renewable energy projects are helping to create 1.2GW of clean power - (apple.com)
    蘋果的可再生能源項目正在幫助創造1.2GW的清潔能源 [谷歌翻譯版]
  30. Pioneers Linking Math and Computer Science Win the Abel Prize - (quantamagazine.org)
    把數學和計算機科學聯繫起來的先驅獲得了阿貝爾獎 [谷歌翻譯版]

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本文由 HiCMS 自動編譯,最後更新時間: 2021-03-17 23:00
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