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What would happen to a person who walks into space without a spacesuit?


【單詞】happen ['hap-uhn]['hæpən] vi. 發生;出現

【單詞】spacesuit ['speys-soot]['speɪssuːt] n. 太空服;航天服

Because of the vacuum your lungs would immediately empty and blood would stop circulating.


【單詞】vacuum ['vak-yoom]['vækjuəm] n. 真空;空白

【單詞】lung [luhng][lʌŋ] n. 肺;呼吸器官

【單詞】empty ['emp-tee]['empti] adj. 空的

【單詞】circulating 原型:circulate ['sur-kyuh-leyt]['sɜːkjəleɪt] vi. 流通;循環

You'd pass out within 15 seconds and die from asphyxiation.


【短語】pass out 昏倒; 暈過去

【單詞】die [dahy][daɪ] v. 死

【單詞】asphyxiation [as-fik-see-'ey-shuhn][əsˌfɪksi'eɪʃn] n. 窒息

Wow, we got a real Debbie-downer here...


【單詞】Wow 原型:wow 語氣詞 [wou][waʊ] n. 巨大的成功 int. 哇! vt. 使熱烈讚賞

【專有名詞】Debbie-downer [ˈdɛbi ˈdaʊnər] 某個節目中的一個女性角色,誇張不停歇地打擊集體的情緒,總在大家的興頭上說一些掃興的話,然後再做出一副“我又能怎樣”的苦臉。此後被用來指心情不好而掃別人興頭的人。

That's literally the correct response, though.


【單詞】literally ['lit-er-uh-lee]['lɪtərəli] adv. 按照字面上地;不誇張地;正確地

【單詞】correct [kuh-'rekt][kə'rekt] adj. 正確的;得體的

You wouldn't freeze, as there is no medium (i.e. air) to carry that heat away from you.


【單詞】freeze [freez][friːz] v. 凍結;冷凍;僵硬;凝固

【單詞】medium ['mee-dee-uhm]['miːdiəm] n. 媒介

【單詞】carry ['kar-ee]['kæri] v. 攜帶;運送;傳播;承載

【單詞】heat [heet][hiːt] n. 熱度;熱

You'd likely fry slowly over the course of a few months due to solar radiation.


【短語】due to 多數表示“由於;因爲”。如:This accident was due to his careless driving.同時,due 與to 單配,還可以表示“付給某人”,如:Respect is due to older people.

【單詞】fry [frahy][fraɪ] v. 油煎;油炸

【單詞】solar ['soh-ler]['səʊlə] adj. 太陽的;太陽能的

【單詞】radiation [rey-dee-'ey-shuhn][ˌreɪdi'eɪʃn] n. 輻射;放射線

The air from your digestive tract, lungs and airways would be ripped out of you in an instant.


【單詞】digestive [dih-'jes-tiv, dahy-][daɪ'dʒestɪv] adj. 消化的

【單詞】tract [trakt][trækt] n. 器官系統

【單詞】airways 原型:airway ['air-wey]['eəweɪ] n. 通風孔;氣道

【單詞】ripped 原型:rip [rip][rɪp] v. 撕裂;扯開

【單詞】instant ['in-stuhnt]['ɪnstənt] n. 瞬間;立即

Blood wouldn't boil as it's at its own pressure in the circulatory system.


【單詞】boil [boil][bɔɪl] v. 沸騰;煮沸

【單詞】circulatory [ˌsɜːkjə'leɪtəri] adj. 循環的;循環系統的

It would only boil once it had left the circulatory system.


Small blood vessels would pop close to the skin and eyes, but would not cause blood to boil as your body is great at keeping a controlled blood pressure (even when you're in the panic of asphyxiation.) most likely you'd bloat decently due to the air in your chest, abdominal and intercostal muscular space not having an atmosphere to maintain a normal internal pressure.


【單詞】vessels 原型:vessel ['ves-uhl]['vesl] n. 脈管,血管

【單詞】pop [pop][pɒp] v. 發出(砰的響聲);爆開

【單詞】skin [skin][skɪn] n. 皮膚;外皮

【單詞】panic ['pan-ik]['pænɪk] n. 驚慌;恐慌

【單詞】bloat [bloht][bləʊt] vt. 使腫脹

【單詞】decently ['dee-suhnt]['diːsntli] adv. 體面地;大方地;有禮地

【單詞】chest [chest][tʃest] n. 胸部;胸腔

【單詞】abdominal [ab-'dom-uh-nl][æb'dɒmɪnl] adj. 腹部的

【單詞】intercostal [in-ter-'kos-tl, -'kaw-stl][ˌɪntə'kɒstl] adj. 肋間的;肋材間的

【單詞】muscular ['muhs-kyuh-ler]['mʌskjələ] adj. 肌肉的;肌肉發達的

【單詞】atmosphere ['at-muhs-feer]['ætməsfɪə] n. 大氣;空氣;氣壓

【單詞】maintain [meyn-'teyn][meɪn'teɪn] vt. 維持

【單詞】internal [in-'tur-nl][ɪn'tɜːnl] adj. 內部的;身內的

Ultimately, it will be oxygen depravation to the brain.


【單詞】ultimately ['ʌltɪmətli] adv. 最後;最終

【單詞】oxygen ['ok-si-juhn]['ɒksɪdʒən] n. 氧;氧氣

【單詞】depravation [dih-'preyv][ˌdeprə'veɪʃən] n. 惡化

【單詞】brain [breyn][breɪn] n. 腦,大腦

Two things will cause this.


First, there's no oxygen in a vacuum.


You'll probably pass out in less than a minute (our blood doesn't store that much oxygen).


【短語】less than 小於;少於;不到;例句:Seven is two less than nine. 9比7少2。

【單詞】store [stawr, stohr][stɔː] vt. 儲存;貯藏;保存

But it'll be an uncomfortable 30s because of the 2nd reason.


【單詞】uncomfortable [uhn-'kuhmf-tuh-buhl][ʌn'kʌmftəbl] adj. 不舒服的;不自在的

【單詞】2nd ['sekənd] adj. 第二的;第二次的 =second.

The second reason is that nitrogen in your blood would boil off (turn into gas, not change temperature), causing gas bubbles that would cut off blood flow.


【短語】turn into ... 變成,進入,轉到...;例句:They turn into this street. 他們轉入這條街上。

【單詞】nitrogen ['nahy-truh-juhn]['naɪtrədʒən] n. 氮

【單詞】gas [gas][ɡæs] n. 氣體

【單詞】temperature ['tem-per-uh-cher]['temprətʃə] n. 體溫;氣溫;溫度

【單詞】bubble ['buhb-uhl]['bʌbl] n. 氣泡

【單詞】flow [floh][fləʊ] n. 流;流量;流動

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