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Why do many doctors work in crazy 24-36 hours shifts?


【單詞】crazy ['krey-zee]['kreɪzi] adj. 瘋狂的 adv. 瘋狂地

【單詞】shifts 原型:shift [shift][ʃɪft] n. 輪班;變化

Shouldn't they be more prone to make a mistake because they're tired?


【單詞】prone [prohn][prəʊn] adj. 易於 ... 的;有 ... 傾向的

【單詞】mistake [mi-'steyk][mɪ'steɪk] n. 錯誤;過失

【單詞】tired 原型:tire [tahyuhr]['taɪə] v. 使疲倦;厭煩;勞累

Isn't that dangerous?


【單詞】dangerous ['deyn-jer-uhs]['deɪndʒərəs] adj. 危險的;不安全的

I'm an internal medicine resident in Canada.


【單詞】internal [in-'tur-nl][ɪn'tɜːnl] adj. 國內的;內部的;身內的

【單詞】medicine ['med-uh-sin]['medsn] n. 藥;醫學

【單詞】resident ['rez-i-duh nt]['rezɪdənt] n. 住院醫生

【專有名詞】Canada['kan-uh-duh]['kænədə] n. 加拿大(位於北美洲北部)

The maximum we work is generally 26 hours but I have had some days as long as 30 hours (which go against our residency contract, but anyway...) We are not necessarily awake the whole time, I would say I am usually able to get at least a short 30min nap, but I have had many many sleepless nights and days.


【短語】not necessarily表示“未必;不一定”。如:Frustrations are not necessarily bad things in life.

【短語】at least 至少;例句:At least, I asked him not to. 至少,我告訴過他不要這樣做。

【單詞】maximum ['mak-suh-muhm]['mæksɪməm] n. 最大量;最大限度

【單詞】residency ['rez-i-duhn-see]['rezɪdənsi] n. (美)高級專科住院實習(期).

【單詞】anyway ['en-ee-wey]['eniweɪ] adv. 不管怎樣;無論如何

【單詞】nap [nap][næp] n. 小睡

【單詞】sleepless ['sleep-lis]['sliːpləs] adj. 無眠的;睡不着的

Some services may do weekend call where they are on call for 72 hours straight but not in hospital.


【單詞】weekend ['week-end, -'end][ˌwiːk'end] n. 週末

【單詞】straight [streyt][streɪt] adj. 直的;連續的

That being said, all you need are a couple bad cases or unfortunate things to happen and you could be working nearly straight all weekend.


【單詞】unfortunate [uhn-'fawr-chuh-nit][ʌn'fɔːtʃənət] adj. 不幸的;令人遺憾的

【單詞】happen ['hap-uhn]['hæpən] vi. 發生;碰巧;出現

One of the variables most closely associated with errors is patient hand over, so partly one reason why we work these hours is to reduce the number of times a patients care is handed over.


【單詞】variables 原型:variable ['vair-ee-uh-buhl]['veəriəbl] n. 變量;易變的東西

【單詞】closely ['kləʊsli] adv. 緊密地;接近地;嚴密地

【單詞】associated 原型:associate [uh-'soh-shee-eyt][ə'səʊʃieɪt] vt. 聯想;聯合;有聯繫

【單詞】errors 原型:error ['er-er]['erə] n. 錯誤;過失;誤差;謬誤

【單詞】patient ['pey-shuhnt]['peɪʃnt] n. 病人

【單詞】partly ['pahrt-lee]['pɑːtli] adv. 在一定程度上;部分地;不完全地

【單詞】reduce [ri-'doos, -'dyoos][rɪ'djuːs] v. 減少;縮小

I imagine it like a game of telephone where a phrase is whispered around the circle and by the end of it sounds totally different.


【單詞】imagine [ih-'maj-in][ɪ'mædʒɪn] vt. 想像;設想;認爲

【單詞】telephone ['tel-uh-fohn]['telɪfəʊn] n. 電話,打電話

【單詞】phrase [freyz][freɪz] n. 短語;措辭

【單詞】whispered 原型:whisper ['hwis-per, 'wis-per]['wɪspə] vt. 耳語;私語;低聲說

【單詞】circle ['sur-kuhl]['sɜːkl] n. 圓圈;圈子

【單詞】totally ['toht-l-ee]['təʊtəli] adv. 完全

Personally I have not noted making any catastrophic mistakes towards the end of a shift but I do not do procedures as a rule overnight or at end of a call shift unless absolutely necessary.


【單詞】personally ['pur-suh-nl-ee]['pɜːsənəli] adv. 就個人而言;作爲個人

【單詞】catastrophic [kat-uh-'strof-ik][ˌkætə'strɒfɪk] adj. 災難的;災難性的

【單詞】procedures 原型:procedure [pruh-'see-jer][prə'siːdʒə] n. 程序;手續;步驟;過程

【單詞】rule [rool][ruːl] n. 規則;條例;習慣

【單詞】overnight ['oh-ver-'nahyt][ˌəʊvə'naɪt] adv. 在夜裏

【單詞】unless [uhn-'les, uhn-][ən'les] conj. 除非;如果不 prep. 除 ... 外

【單詞】absolutely [ab-suh-'loot-lee]['æbsəluːtli] adv. 完全地;絕對地

I know I have definitely forgotten information when handing over to the next physician in the morning though just from sheer exhaustion.


【單詞】definitely ['def-uh-nit-lee]['defɪnətli] adv. 肯定地;當然地;明確地

【單詞】forgotten 原型:forget [fer-'get][fə'ɡet] v. 忘記;忽略

【單詞】physician [fi-'zish-uhn][fɪ'zɪʃn] n. 內科醫生

【單詞】sheer [sheer][ʃɪə] adj. 全然的

【單詞】exhaustion [ig-'zaws-chuhn][ɪɡ'zɔːstʃən] n. 疲憊;筋疲力盡;竭盡

Also, I know residents who have been in accidents when driving home from the hospital after being awake for 30+ hours.


【單詞】accidents 原型:accident ['ak-si-duhnt]['æksɪdənt] n. 事故;意外

【單詞】driving 原型:drive [drahyv][draɪv] v. 開車

In terms of "why not increase the number of residents/medical students" question - it's slightly different in Canada due to our healthcare system.


【短語】due to 多數表示“由於;因爲”。如:This accident was due to his careless driving.同時,due 與to 單配,還可以表示“付給某人”,如:Respect is due to older people.

【短語】in terms of ... 依據...;按照...;在…方面;例句:In terms of money, he's quite rich, but not in terms of happiness. 就錢來說他很富有,但就幸福來說就不然了。

【單詞】slightly [slahyt]['slaɪtli] adv. 些微地;稍微

【單詞】healthcare ['helth-kair]['helθkeə] 保健

Our resident salary is government funded and so the government determines how many residency spots they are willing to fund each year.


【短語】be willing to do表示“樂意做某事”。be too willing to do表示非常願意做某事,表達強烈感情色彩。如:There's not enough people willing to take the risk. 沒有足夠的人願意冒這個險。

【單詞】salary ['sal-uh-ree]['sæləri] n. 薪水

【單詞】funded 原型:fund [fuhnd][fʌnd] vt. 資助

【單詞】determines 原型:determine [dih-'tur-min][dɪ'tɜːmɪn] v. 決定;決心;確定

【單詞】spots 原型:spot [spot][spɒt] n. 地點;場所;職位

This is in turn determined by things like patient loads and safety, job prospects (eg. neurosurgery jobs are tough to come by so there are fewer residents each year).


【短語】in turn表示“依次;輪流地;相應地;轉而”。如:(1) That in turn damages their health. 這反過來將損害他們的健康。(2) The children went on the bus in turn.孩子們依次上了公共汽車。另外,in turn還可表示“回報”,如: took Sally out to lunch,and she took me out in turn.我請了薩莉出去喫午餐,作爲回報,她也請了我一次。

【單詞】loads 原型:load [lohd][ləʊd] n. 負荷;重擔

【單詞】safety ['seyf-tee]['seɪfti] n. 安全;保險

【單詞】prospects 原型:prospect ['pros-pekt]['prɒspekt] n. 希望;前景

【單詞】eg 名詞 abbr. <拉>例如 =exempli gratia

【單詞】neurosurgery [nyoor-oh-'sur-juh-ree]['njʊərəʊsɜːdʒəri] n. 神經外科

【單詞】tough [tuhf][tʌf] adj. 棘手的,難辦的;艱苦的

So it's not as simple as just opening up more spots, because ultimately the money has to come from somewhere AND this person needs a job at the end of all of this 13 years of post secondary education.


【單詞】ultimately ['ʌltɪmətli] adv. 最後;最終

【單詞】somewhere ['suhm-hwair, -wair]['sʌmweə] adv. 在某處;到某種程度;大約 n. 某處

【單詞】post [pohst][pəʊst] adv. 之後地

【單詞】secondary ['sek-uhn-der-ee]['sekəndri] adj. 次要的;從屬的;中等教育的

Physicians (for the most part) aren't just going to walk away from a dying patient.


【單詞】dying 原型:die [dahy][daɪ] v. 死

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