Three answers to the interview

I am against the excessive consumption ,especially the  overdraft of the credit card. I think the youth should learn to mamage their money very well. They should make a saving plan. No matter how much money they can save, they must have the sense of saving. If possible, I think the youth should learn how to earn more money or invest.

As for jobs, I hope my daughter can find a stable job she loves in her favorite city. I hope she will not change her job or workplace so often. If she is passionate about the job ,  I don't care whether it is a public or private enterprise.

As for marriage and child, I think it depends on my daughter. Even though I hope she can have a husband who can love her,care for her and protect   

her, I won't force her or urge her to get married. She can also decide whether to have a child.

Anyway I hope my daughter can enjoy her life and her job. She is worth living a happy life.

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