
do you know what is panda? and where is panda  habitat. and the panda eat what? I'm the panda  breeding, so let's begin. talk about the panda。

what is a panda:

panda is one of the bears, it looks like oreo(奧利奧) because its head is a white top, and it's an eye is a black,stomach is a  white, foot is black, This color can achieve the effect of concealment(這樣的顏色可以達到隱蔽的效果),and panda is rare mammals.and the pandas can climb as high as 13000feet and are also very good swimmers,sometimes male pandas relax by doing handstands against trees.

pandas habitat:

there are now fewer than 2000 pandas leaving in the forest .another 300 or so live in zoos or research centers in China and other countries. and pandas is a wild animal.


pandas like to eat bamboo, bamboo is loud protein  and high fiber  and  not well digested  bye pandas. and the bamboo comprises 99% of pandas diet,1% other plants and the meats,panda’s molarsare very broad and flat,the shape of the teeth help the animals crush the bamboo shoots,leaves and stems that they eat,they can chomp bamboo up to one and a half inches thick,to get the bamboo to the mouth, they hold the stems with their front paws.when they are not eating, panda is rest and rest and rest, and the poop, pandas poop 100 times a day, same as 4 blowing balls.


pandas breathing is pandas have ting cabs  because of their poor diet, and Wednesday are born, they are blind、 helpless、ting、5 oances.

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