Everything happens for the best!

We are allowed to work from home, so I've been stayed at home for 4 days straight. My life has been occupied by English every day, however life is not all about work. Right?

I plan to do some reading, Chinese books, of course. 

If you ask me if I prefer to live a easy life, I would say "Definitely"! People say: " If you feel under pressure, you are growing." Maybe it is, or maybe it isn't.

My friend says " Everything happens for the best."

Let it be!

My life is a little bit out of control. Work makes me feel uneasy. Very little time for parenting, family bond and friends reunion. Like Pin-Fa, the ongoing stormy rain, Sun will come out finally.

Everything happens for the best. Self-acceptance is important to one's well-being.

Just smile to your life.

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