導入錯誤:無法導入名稱 X - ImportError: Cannot import name X


I have four different files named: main.py , vector.py , entity.py and physics.py .我有一個名爲四種不同的文件: main.pyvector.pyentity.pyphysics.py I will not post all the code, just the imports, because I think that's where the error is (If you want, I can post more).我不會發布所有代碼,只會發佈導入,因爲我認爲這就是錯誤所在(如果您願意,我可以發佈更多)。


import time
from entity import Ent
from vector import Vect
#the rest just creates an entity and prints the result of movement


from vector import Vect
from physics import Physics
class Ent:
    #holds vector information and id
def tick(self, dt):
    #this is where physics changes the velocity and position vectors


from math import *
class Vect:
    #holds i, j, k, and does vector math


from entity import Ent
class Physics:
    #physics class gets an entity and does physics calculations on it.

I then run from main.py and I get the following error:然後我從main.py運行,我收到以下錯誤:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "main.py", line 2, in <module> from entity import Ent File ".../entity.py", line 5, in <module> from physics import Physics File ".../physics.py", line 2, in <module> from entity import Ent ImportError: cannot import name Ent

I'm guessing that the error is due to importing entity twice, once in main.py , and later in physics.py , but I don't know a workaround.我猜的錯誤是由於進口單位兩次,一次在main.py ,後來在physics.py ,但我不知道一個解決辦法。 Can anyone help?任何人都可以幫忙嗎?


參考一: https://stackoom.com/question/cp0Z
參考二: ImportError: Cannot import name X
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