rbenv 不改變 ruby 版本 - rbenv not changing ruby version


I installed rbenv according to the github directions.我根據github的說明安裝了rbenv。 I am running OSX but I have tried this on a Ubuntu 12.04 VM and got the same results.我正在運行 OSX,但我已經在 Ubuntu 12.04 VM 上嘗試過,並得到了相同的結果。 The following is what i get in my terminal when I try to change ruby versions:以下是我嘗試更改 ruby​​ 版本時在終端中得到的信息:

rbenv versions
* 1.9.3-p0 (set by /Users/user/.rbenv/version)

rbenv global

rbenv rehash

ruby -v
ruby 1.8.7 (2011-12-28 patchlevel 357) [universal-darwin11.0]

which ruby

Anyone have any ideas as to why rbenv isn't switching the ruby version like it thinks it is?任何人都知道爲什麼 rbenv 沒有像它認爲的那樣切換 ruby​​ 版本? Also there is no .rbenv file in the local directory that would be causing the ruby version to default to 1.8.7本地目錄中也沒有 .rbenv 文件會導致 ruby​​ 版本默認爲 1.8.7

rbenv local
rbenv: no local version configured for this directory


參考一: https://stackoom.com/question/juBU
參考二: rbenv not changing ruby version
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