为什么 Git 不被视为“区块链”? - Why is Git not considered a “block chain”?


Git's internal data structure is a tree of data objects, wherein each objects only points to its predecessor. Git 的内部数据结构是一棵数据对象树,其中每个对象只指向它的前身。 Each data block is hashed.每个数据块都经过哈希处理。 Modifying (bit error or attack) an intermediate block will be noticed when the saved hash and the actual hash deviate.当保存的散列和实际散列偏离时,将注意到修改(位错误或攻击)中间块。

How is this concept different from block chain?这个概念与区块链有何不同?
Git is not listed as an example of block chains, but at least in summaries, both data structure descriptions look alike: data block, single direction reverse linking, hashes, ...). Git 没有被列为区块链的例子,但至少在总结中,两种数据结构描述看起来很相似:数据块、单向反向链接、哈希,......)。

So where is the difference, that Git isn't called a block chain?那么,Git 不被称为区块链的区别在哪里?


参考一: https://stackoom.com/question/37okL
参考二: Why is Git not considered a “block chain”?
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