如何與TortoiseHG分支 - How to branch with TortoiseHG


I downloaded TortoiseHg 1.0 for evaluation. 我下載了TortoiseHg 1.0進行評估。 For the life of me I can't figure out how to make a branch. 對於我的生活,我無法弄清楚如何建立一個分支。 It seems to understand branches (eg in its repository browser) but I just can't seem to find a way to make a branch. 它似乎理解分支(例如在其存儲庫瀏覽器中)但我似乎無法找到製作分支的方法。 This seems like such a fundamental capability since out of the often touted benefits of DVC is the lightweight branching. 這似乎是一種基本功能,因爲DVC經常被吹捧的好處是輕量級分支。

I Googled around and couldn't find much discussion of this topic (at least for recent versions) so I have to assume I'm missing something, right? 我用Google搜索並且找不到關於這個主題的討論(至少對於最近的版本)所以我不得不假設我錯過了什麼,對吧?

Update: So I flagged Chad Birch's answer below to answer the "new branch" issue. 更新:所以我在下面標記了Chad Birch的回答來回答“新分支”問題。 As he correctly points out, you do a commit and then click on the branch button to bring up the branch maintenance dialog which is where you create new branches. 正如他正確指出的那樣,您執行提交,然後單擊分支按鈕以顯示分支維護對話框,您可以在其中創建新分支。 I kind of wish they had given us a context menu option for this. 我有點希望他們爲我們提供了一個上下文菜單選項。 Once you've branched, the next natural question is how to merge and this is also not obvious. 一旦你分支,下一個自然的問題是如何合併,這也不明顯。 It turns out that option is buried in the repository explorer. 事實證明,選項隱藏在存儲庫資源管理器中。 You need to select the head of another branch, right-click and then select "Merge with...". 您需要選擇另一個分支的頭部,右鍵單擊,然後選擇“與...合併”。


參考一: https://stackoom.com/question/Akj5
參考二: How to branch with TortoiseHG
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