如何將 Git 存儲庫克隆到特定文件夾中? - How do you clone a Git repository into a specific folder?


Executing the command git clone [email protected]:whatever creates a directory in my current folder named whatever , and drops the contents of the Git repository into that folder:執行命令git clone [email protected]:whatever在我命名爲當前文件夾中創建一個目錄whatever ,並丟棄Git倉庫到該文件夾的內容:


My problem is that I need the contents of the Git repository cloned into my current directory so that they appear in the proper location for the web server:我的問題是我需要將 Git 存儲庫的內容克隆到我的當前目錄中,以便它們出現在 Web 服務器的正確位置:


I know how to move the files after I've cloned the repository, but this seems to break Git, and I'd like to be able to update just by calling git pull .我知道在克隆存儲庫後如何移動文件,但這似乎破壞了 Git,我希望能夠通過調用git pull進行更新。 How can I do this?我怎樣才能做到這一點?


參考一: https://en.stackoom.com/question/2jMc參考二: https://stackoom.com/question/2jMc
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