
What's your favorite toy? 你最喜歡的玩具是什麼?
I like this doll the most. 我最喜歡這個娃娃。
It was a present from my daddy. 這是爸比送我的禮物。
I've had it since I was 3. 這是我三歲時就有的。
Where did you buy it? 你在哪裏買的?
I got it as a birthday gift. 這是我收到的生日禮物。
I got it from Santa Claus. 這是聖誕老公公給我的禮物。
I take this doll whenever I go out. 我出門時,一定帶着這個娃娃。
I go to sleep with it ,too. 我也會跟娃娃一起睡覺。
I can't sleep without it. 沒有它的話,我會睡不着。
It's my favorite toy. 這是我最喜歡的玩具。
This is how you play with it. 要像這樣玩。
Let your friend use it once. 讓你的朋友也玩一次。
I don't want to.It's my favorite. 我不要。這是我最喜歡的。
Its name is Nana .I named it. 它的名字叫 Nana.我幫它取的名字。
I‘m collecting this series. 我在收集這一個系列。
It transforms when I build it. 我組裝的話,它就會變身。
It's a wireless car. 這是無線遙控車。
You can buy it at the stationery store. 你可以在文具店買到。
It won't move because it's broken. 因爲它壞了,現在動不了。
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