
I have a dog. 我有一隻狗。
His name is Happy. 它的名字叫 Happy.
He shakes his tail when I get back from school. 當我放學回來時,它會搖尾巴。
He is trained well. 它被訓練的很好。
We've had him for 2 years. 我們養它養了兩年。
He is 5 years old. 它 5 歲了。
Happy doesn's like to take baths. Happy 不喜歡洗澡。
Happy always follows me around. Happp 總是跟着我跑來跑去。
Happy is a member of our family. Happy 是我們家的一員。
Happy likes to take a walk with me. Happy 喜歡跟我去散步。
Happy.knows how to do some tricks./Happy can do some tricks. Happy 會做一些特技。
Happy can jump and roll. Happy 會跳和滾。
He's jumpy when I give him treats. 當我請他喫東西時,它就會跳。
Happy likes dog gum best. Happy 最喜歡狗狗潔牙骨。
Happy is a female/male. Happy 是母/公的。
My mom doesn't like dogs because they have fur. 我媽不喜歡狗,因爲它們有很多毛。
I feed the fish. 我餵魚。
You need to change the water in the fish tank. 你必須換魚缸的水。
You need to put water into the birdcage. 你必須在鳥籠裏放些水。
I hate cleaning up poo and pee. 我討厭清大便和小便。
Lizards are weird pets. 蜥蜴是很奇特的寵物。
The porcupine had a baby. 豪豬生了個小孩。
I got him/her a shot. 我給它打了預防針。
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