獲取“項目”nuget 配置無效錯誤 [重複] - Getting “project” nuget configuration is invalid error [duplicate]


This question already has answers here : 這個問題在這裏已經有了答案
Closed 4 years ago . 4年前關閉。

I'm getting "[project] nuget configuration is invalid" error.我收到“[項目] nuget 配置無效”錯誤。 I received an error like this before and used the 'Update Nuget package manager' solution mentioned here:我之前收到過這樣的錯誤,並使用了此處提到的“更新 Nuget 包管理器”解決方案:

Unable to Install Any Package in Visual Studio 2015 無法在 Visual Studio 2015 中安裝任何包

I've also tried the other solutions mentioned in that link to no avail.我還嘗試了該鏈接中提到的其他解決方案,但無濟於事。

  • Restarting Visual Studio重新啓動 Visual Studio
  • Deleting nuget.config刪除 nuget.config
  • Deleting packages.config刪除packages.config
  • Updating nuGet Package Manager.更新 nuGet 包管理器。

Also, I'm able to see the nuGet Packages at the solution level and other projects within this solution.此外,我還可以看到解決方案級別的 nuGet 包以及此解決方案中的其他項目。

And, if I go to Package Manager Console (Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Package Manager Console), I can't see the projects having this issue in the project drop down, but I see the other projects in the solution.而且,如果我轉到包管理器控制檯(工具 -> NuGet 包管理器 -> 包管理器控制檯),我在項目下拉列表中看不到有此問題的項目,但我在解決方案中看到了其他項目。


參考一: https://en.stackoom.com/question/2ZAta
參考二: https://stackoom.com/question/2ZAta
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