GUI-based or Web-based JSON editor that works like property explorer [closed]


As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. 就目前而言,這個問題不適合我們的問答形式。 We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. 我們希望答案得到事實、參考或專業知識的支持,但這個問題可能會引起辯論、爭論、投票或擴展討論。 If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance. 如果您認爲此問題可以改進並可能重新打開,請訪問幫助中心以獲取指導。
Closed 9 years ago . 9年前關閉。

Background: This is a request for something that may not exist yet, but I've been meaning to build one for a long time.背景:這是對可能尚不存在的東西的請求,但我很長時間以來一直想建立一個。 First I will ask if anyone has seen anything like it yet.首先我會問是否有人見過類似的東西。

Suppose you have an arbitrary JSON structure like the following:假設您有一個任意的 JSON 結構,如下所示:

    'title_str':'My Employee List'
    ,'lastmod_str': '2009-June-15'

Question: Is there a web-based JSON editor that could take a structure like this, and automatically allow the user to modify this in a user-friendly GUI?問題:是否有基於 Web 的 JSON 編輯器可以採用這樣的結構,並自動允許用戶在用戶友好的 GUI 中修改它?

Example: Imagine an auto-generated HTML form that displays 2 input-type-text controls for both title and lastmod, and a table of input-type-text controls with three columns and three rows for arr_list ... with the ability to delete or add additional rows by clicking on a [+][X] next to each row in the table.示例:想象一個自動生成的 HTML 表單,它爲 title 和 lastmod 顯示 2 個 input-type-text 控件,以及一個包含三列三行的 input-type-text 控件表,用於 arr_list ... 具有刪除功能或通過單擊表格中每一行旁邊的 [+][X] 添加其他行。

Big Idea: The "big idea" behind this is that the user would be able to specify any arbitrary (non-recursive) JSON structure and then also be able to edit the structure with a GUI-based interaction (this would be similar to the "XML Editor Grid View" in XML Spy).大創意:這背後的“大創意”是用戶將能夠指定任何任意(非遞歸)JSON 結構,然後還能夠使用基於 GUI 的交互來編輯結構(這將類似於XML Spy 中的“XML 編輯器網格視圖”)。

See also:也可以看看:

Update: (Thu 2014-07-31 18:31:11)更新:(星期四 2014-07-31 18:31:11)

A github repository has been created to further track this closed SO post.已創建 github 存儲庫以進一步跟蹤此已關閉的 SO 帖子。


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