2021-10-12 Daily Habits

Go to bed early and get up early. Staying awake while tired will make you feel more tired and irritable the next day. It’s almost never worth it to stay up late watching t.v. or getting extra work done. You’ll be more efficient if you start your day earlier and you won’t have to live with the hangover of being tired from the night before.

Start your day off in silence. No phone, t.v., internet, stressful conversations, etc. Enjoy the quiet of the early morning. Pray, write down your thoughts, read a book.

Drink plenty of water. Especially in the morning. Drink two glasses of water upon waking up, before eating anything. Drink a glass of water 30 mins before every meal and 1-hour before bed. If you’re going to drink something with a meal, hot water or tea is better for digestion.

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