2021-10-15 Revising your writing clarifies

It happens all the time. You want to say something, and you think about the best way to say it. But sometimes, you don’t need to focus on the writing itself, grammar, or the words you use. You need to focus on the reason behind your message.

To me, that’s one of the most useful aspects of writing.

The great thing about writing is that it allows you to put your thoughts on paper (or on a screen) and look at them another way. Our ideas can sometimes lack clarity and perspective because they are trapped in our heads. Writing takes these thoughts out and places them somewhere we can see objectively.

This process also trains our minds to use language better. Revisions make us ask:

  • Are we being clear with our point?
  • Do our words confuse our intended audience?
  • How can we be more persuasive?

When you decide to write something down, whether that’s a formal business plan, proposal, or simply some freewriting in your journal, you give yourself the opportunity to improve your thinking. The problem is that most people don’t use that opportunity. They simply write down the first thing that comes to mind.

If you want to avoid that, and you want to become more intentional with your writing, try the following process

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