'缺少推薦的圖標文件 - 捆綁包不包含 .png 格式的 iPhone / iPod Touch 應用程序圖標,像素正好是 120x120'


I submitted an app update, but I have received an email telling me this error has occurred:我提交了一個應用更新,但我收到了一封電子郵件,告訴我發生了這個錯誤:

Missing recommended icon file - The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPhone / iPod Touch of exactly '120x120' pixels, in .png format缺少推薦的圖標文件 - 捆綁包不包含 .png 格式的精確“120x120”像素的 iPhone/iPod Touch 應用程序圖標

How can I fix this problem?我該如何解決這個問題?

Here are the current icon requirements from Apple. 以下是 Apple 當前的圖標要求。

I could not see 120x120 appearing anywhere?我看不到 120x120 出現在任何地方? Is this iOS 7 specific?這是 iOS 7 特定的嗎? Should I include an icon named Icon-120.png or something?我應該包含一個名爲Icon-120.png的圖標嗎?

Update: I added three icons to the resource folder (Icon-120.png : 120x120, Icon-76.png: 76x76 & Icon-152.png: 152x152), but it did not add them to the info.plist .更新:我在資源文件夾中添加了三個圖標(Icon-120.png : 120x120, Icon-76.png: 76x76 & Icon-152.png: 152x152),但它沒有將它們添加到info.plist The same warning email was received.收到了同樣的警告電子郵件。 I decided to not change anything and wait to see what would happen next.我決定不做任何改變,然後等着看接下來會發生什麼。

To my utter amazement, the app went into the review stage 20 hours later and was released on the market the very next day!令我驚訝的是,該應用程序在 20 小時後進入審覈階段,並於第二天在市場上發佈! Kind of makes me wonder how many Apple/Windows app review people lurk around here.有點讓我想知道有多少 Apple/Windows 應用程序評論人潛伏在這裏。


參考一: https://en.stackoom.com/question/1GcKw
參考二: https://stackoom.com/question/1GcKw
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