Why does Chrome incorrectly determine page is in a different language and offer to translate?


The new Google Chrome auto-translation feature is tripping up on one page within one of our applications.新的 Google Chrome 自動翻譯功能在我們的一個應用程序中的一頁上出錯。 Whenever we navigate to this particular page, Chrome tells us the page is in Danish and offers to translate.每當我們導航到這個特定頁面時,Chrome 都會告訴我們該頁面是丹麥語並提供翻譯。 The page is in English, just like every other page in our app.該頁面是英文的,就像我們應用程序中的所有其他頁面一樣。 This particular page is an internal testing page that has a few dozen form fields with English labels.這個特定的頁面是一個內部測試頁面,有幾十個帶有英文標籤的表單域。 I have no idea why Chrome thinks this page is Danish.我不知道爲什麼 Chrome 認爲這個頁面是丹麥語。

Does anyone have insights into how this language detection feature works and how I can determine what is causing Chrome to think the page is in Danish?有沒有人瞭解此語言檢測功能的工作原理以及我如何確定導致 Chrome 認爲該頁面是丹麥語的原因?


參考一: https://en.stackoom.com/question/ALte
參考二: https://stackoom.com/question/ALte
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