讓 Heroku 運行非主 Git 分支 - Make Heroku run non-master Git branch


I have a project hosted on Heroku and it's gotten to the point where I want to make an alternate test server (so I can test Heroku workers without messing up production).我有一個在 Heroku 上託管的項目,它已經到了我想要製作備用測試服務器的地步(這樣我就可以測試 Heroku 工作人員而不會弄亂生產)。

I have already set up my main Heroku remote running my trunk and a Heroku-dev remote on which I wish to run an alternate branch.我已經設置了運行主幹的主 Heroku 遠程和我希望運行備用分支的 Heroku-dev 遠程。

My problem is that since my alternate branch isn't master, Heroku won't build it.我的問題是,由於我的備用分支不是 master,Heroku 不會構建它。

$ git push heroku-dev test
counting objects ...
Pushed to non-master branch, skipping build.
To [email protected]:example-dev.git
* [new branch]      test -> test

Switching this build to master is not an option at the moment.目前無法將此版本切換到主版本。 Obviously one option is to create a whole new git repo that's a clone of my test branch, but that doesn't sound very ideal.顯然,一種選擇是創建一個全新的 git 存儲庫,它是我的測試分支的克隆,但這聽起來不太理想。


參考一: https://en.stackoom.com/question/zERe
參考二: https://stackoom.com/question/zERe
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