Android 4.3蓝牙低功耗不稳定 - Android 4.3 Bluetooth Low Energy unstable


I am currently developing an application that will use Bluetooth Low Energy (testing on the Nexus 4). 我目前正在开发一种将使用蓝牙低功耗的应用程序(在Nexus 4上进行测试)。 After getting started with the official BLE APIs in Android 4.3, I have noticed that after I connect a device for the first time I am rarely able to successfully connect to / communicate with that device or any other device again. 在开始使用Android 4.3中的官方BLE API之后,我注意到在我第一次连接设备后,我很少能够成功连接到该设备或与该设备或任何其他设备进行通信。

Following the guide here , I can successfully connect to a device, scan services and characteristics, and read/write/receive notifications without any issues. 按照此处的指南,我可以成功连接到设备,扫描服务和特性,以及读取/写入/接收通知而不会出现任何问题。 However, after disconnecting and re-connecting, I am often unable to either scan services/characteristics or unable to complete a read/write. 但是,在断开连接并重新连接后,我经常无法扫描服务/特性或无法完成读/写操作。 I can't find anything in the logs to indicate why this is happening. 我在日志中找不到任何内容来说明为什么会发生这种情况。

Once this happens I have to uninstall the application, disable Bluetooth, and restart the phone before it will start working again. 一旦发生这种情况,我必须卸载应用程序,禁用蓝牙,然后重新启动手机才能再次开始工作。

Whenever a device is disconnected I make sure to call close() on the BluetoothGatt object and set it to null. 每当设备断开连接时,我都要确保在BluetoothGatt对象上调用close()并将其设置为null。 Any insights? 任何见解?

EDIT: 编辑:
Log dumps: For these logs I rooted my phone and upped the trace levels of related items in /etc/bluetooth/bt_stack.conf 日志转储:对于这些日志,我根据我的手机并在/etc/bluetooth/bt_stack.conf中提升了相关项目的跟踪级别

Successful connection - First attempt after rebooting the phone and installing the app. 连接成功 - 重新启动手机并安装应用后首次尝试。 I am able to connect, discover all services/characteristics, and read/write. 我能够连接,发现所有服务/特性,以及读/写。

Failed Attempt 1 - This is the next attempt after disconnecting from the successful connection above. 失败尝试1 - 这是断开上述成功连接后的下一次尝试。 It seems I was able to discover characteristics, but the first attempt to read returned a null value and disconnected soon thereafter. 似乎我能够发现特征,但是第一次尝试读取时返回了一个空值并且很快就断开了。

Failed Attempt 2 - An example where I am not even able to discover services/characteristics. 失败的尝试2 - 我甚至无法发现服务/特征的示例。

EDIT 2: 编辑2:
The device to which I am trying to connect is based on TI's CC2541 chip. 我尝试连接的设备基于TI的CC2541芯片。 I obtained a TI SensorTag (also based on the CC2541) to play around with and discovered that TI released an android app for the SensorTag yesterday. 我获得了TI SensorTag (也基于CC2541),并发现TI昨天为SensorTag发布了一个Android应用程序 However, this app has the same problem. 但是,这个应用程序有同样的问题。 I tested this on two other Nexus 4s with the same result: Connection to the SensorTag is successful the first or second time, but (according to the logs) fails to discover services thereafter, causing all sorts of crashes. 我在另外两个Nexus 4上进行了测试,结果相同:第一次或第二次连接SensorTag成功,但是(根据日志)之后无法发现服务,导致各种崩溃。 I'm starting to wonder if it's an issue with this specific chip? 我开始怀疑这个特定芯片是否存在问题?


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