什麼是 maven 中的“pom”包裝? - What is "pom" packaging in maven?


I was given a maven project to compile and get deployed on a tomcat server.我得到了一個 maven 項目來編譯並部署在 tomcat 服務器上。 I have never used maven before today, but I have been googling quite a bit.我在今天之前從未使用過 maven,但我一直在谷歌上搜索很多。 It seems like the top level pom.xml files in this project have the packaging type set as pom .這個項目中的頂級pom.xml文件似乎將打包類型設置爲pom

What am I supposed to do after mvn install to get this application deployed?mvn install之後我應該怎麼做才能部署這個應用程序? I was expecting to be able to find a war file somewhere or something, but I guess I am looking in the wrong place or missing a step.我希望能夠在某處或某處找到一個war文件,但我想我找錯了地方或遺漏了一步。


參考一: https://en.stackoom.com/question/WH57
參考二: https://stackoom.com/question/WH57
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