如何在本地運行的網頁上創建指向本地文件的鏈接? - How can I create a link to a local file on a locally-run web page?


I'd like to have an html file that organizes certain files scattered throughout my hard drive.我想要一個 html 文件來組織分散在我的硬盤驅動器中的某些文件。 For example, I have two files that I would link to:例如,我有兩個要鏈接到的文件:

  • C:\\Programs\\sort.mw
  • C:\\Videos\\lecture.mp4

The problem is that I'd like the links to function as a shortcut to the file.問題是我希望鏈接用作文件的快捷方式。 I've tried the following:我嘗試了以下方法:

<a href="C:\Programs\sort.mw">Link 1</a>
<a href="C:\Videos\lecture.mp4">Link 2</a>

... but the first link does nothing and the second link opens the file in Chrome, not VLC. ...但第一個鏈接什麼都不做,第二個鏈接在 Chrome 中打開文件,而不是 VLC。

My questions are:我的問題是:

  1. Is there a way to adjust my HTML to treat the links as shortcuts to the files?有沒有辦法調整我的 HTML 以將鏈接視爲文件的快捷方式?

  2. If there isn't a way to adjust the HTML, are there any other ways to neatly link to files scattered throughout the hard drive?如果沒有辦法調整 HTML,是否還有其他方法可以整齊地鏈接到分散在整個硬盤驅動器中的文件?

My computer runs Windows 7 and my web browser is Chrome.我的電腦運行的是 Windows 7,我的網絡瀏覽器是 Chrome。


參考一: https://en.stackoom.com/question/1EYdB
參考二: https://stackoom.com/question/1EYdB
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