Android Studio,應用程序關閉後 logcat 會清理 - Android Studio, logcat cleans after app closes


I'm having a problem with my logcat since update 1.2 Beta for Android Studio.自更新 Android Studio 1.2 Beta 以來,我的 logcat 出現問題。 When I run my app it logs everything like it normally did, then I get at the point where my app crashes with the app saying: unfortunately, Game has stopped.當我運行我的應用程序時,它會像往常一樣記錄所有內容,然後我的應用程序崩潰了,應用程序說:不幸的是,遊戲已停止。

After a few seconds android closes that message.幾秒鐘後,android 關閉該消息。 When that happens my logcat also gets fully cleared meaning that I barely get anytime to read the error.當這種情況發生時,我的 logcat 也被完全清除,這意味着我幾乎沒有時間閱讀錯誤。 I did found some info about a buffer, but it seems that Android Studio doesn't have the option to increase it besides the fact that I doubt that being the problem.我確實找到了一些關於緩衝區的信息,但除了我懷疑這是問題之外,Android Studio 似乎沒有增加它的選項。

Something that may be useful is that after it clears and stuff the process changes to Android.process.core and the message I get in my logcat is:可能有用的是,在它清除並填充進程更改爲 Android.process.core 之後,我在 logcat 中收到的消息是:

04-13 10:28:13.394  12259-12265/android.process.acore D/dalvikvm﹕    
Debugger has detached; object registry had 1 entries

Edit: I did read about breakpoints, so disabled focus application on breakpoints in Settings-build, execution, deployment-debugger but it didn't have any effect.編輯:我確實閱讀了有關斷點的信息,因此在設置-構建、執行、部署-調試器中禁用了斷點上的焦點應用程序,但它沒有任何效果。


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