在 linux 中更改 VNC 會話的分辨率 [關閉] - Changing the resolution of a VNC session in linux [closed]


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Closed 3 years ago . 3年前關閉。

I use VNC to connect to a Linux workstation at work.我使用 VNC 連接到工作中的 Linux 工作站。 At work I have a 20" monitor that runs at 1600x1200, while at home I use my laptop with its resolution of 1440x900. If I set the vncserver to run at 1440x900 I miss out on a lot of space on my monitor, whereas if I set it to run at 1600x1200 it doesn't fit on the laptop's screen, and I have to scroll it all the time.在工作時,我有一臺 20" 顯示器,分辨率爲 1600x1200,而在家裏,我使用分辨率爲 1440x900 的筆記本電腦。如果我將 vncserver 設置爲以 1440x900 運行,我會錯過顯示器上的很多空間,而如果我將它設置爲以 1600x1200 運行,它不適合筆記本電腦的屏幕,我必須一直滾動它。

Is there any good way to resize a VNC session on the fly?有什麼好的方法可以動態調整 VNC 會話的大小嗎?

My VNC server is RealVNC E4.x (I don't remember the exact version) running on SuSE64.我的 VNC 服務器是在 SuSE64 上運行的 RealVNC E4.x(我不記得確切的版本)。


參考一: https://en.stackoom.com/question/476
參考二: https://stackoom.com/question/476
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