OLE DB和ODBC數據源之間有什麼區別? - what is the difference between OLE DB and ODBC data sources?


I was reading a MS Excel help article about pivotcache and wonder what they mean by OLE DB and ODBC sources 我正在閱讀有關pivotcache的MS Excel幫助文章,並想知道OLE DB和ODBC源的含義

...You should use the CommandText property instead of the SQL property, which now exists primarily for compatibility with earlier versions of Microsoft Excel. ...您應該使用CommandText屬性而不是SQL屬性,該屬性現在主要用於與早期版本的Microsoft Excel兼容。 If you use both properties, the CommandText property's value takes precedence. 如果同時使用這兩個屬性,則CommandText屬性的值優先。

For OLE DB sources , the CommandType property describes the value of the CommandText property. 對於OLE DB源 ,CommandType屬性描述CommandText屬性的值。

For ODBC sources , the CommandText property functions exactly like the SQL property, and setting the property causes the data to be refreshed... 對於ODBC源 ,CommandText屬性的功能與SQL屬性完全相同,設置屬性會導致數據刷新...

I really appreciate your short answers. 我非常感謝你的簡短回答。


參考一: https://en.stackoom.com/question/Qpz
參考二: https://stackoom.com/question/Qpz
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