ios应用最大内存预算 - ios app maximum memory budget


I'm working on an ios game that's targeting as a minimum the 3gs.我正在开发一款至少针对 3gs 的 ios 游戏。 We are using HD assets for retina display devices (iphone 4, ipod touch 4th gen).我们将高清资产用于视网膜显示设备(iphone 4、ipod touch 第 4 代)。

Memory wise, Ipod Touch 4th gen seems to be the most constraint device for us since it has the same amount of RAM (256 compared to Iphone 4's 512) as 3gs but we're using HD assets on it.内存方面,Ipod Touch 4th gen 对我们来说似乎是最受限制的设备,因为它具有与 3gs 相同数量的 RAM(与 Iphone 4 的 512 相比为 256),但我们在其上使用了高清资产。 The app used to crash when trying to load 100-110mb of ram but now that we're down to 70MB, we've never had loading crash.该应用程序曾经在尝试加载 100-110 MB 的内存时崩溃,但现在我们降到了 70 MB,我们从来没有加载崩溃。

After lots of searching around, there seems to be no official hard limit so how should we go about knowing what memory budget to use to be safe?经过大量搜索,似乎没有官方硬性限制,那么我们应该如何知道使用什么内存预算才能安全? We want to be able to give the artists a budget they can use without memory worries for each map.我们希望能够为美术师提供一个他们可以使用的预算,而无需担心每张地图的内存问题。


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