如何製作/獲取多尺寸.ico文件? [關閉] - How to make/get a multi size .ico file? [closed]


I simply want to have an .ico file that has multiple sizes of the icon image contained within it. 我只想擁有一個.ico文件,其中包含多個大小的圖標圖像。 I'd like it for use in a cross-platform desktop application (so that, eg on Windows, the 16x16 size is used for the app's top bar but a 32x32 size version is used when the various open apps are shown when using Alt-Tab). 我想在跨平臺桌面應用程序中使用它(因此,例如在Windows上,16x16大小用於應用程序的頂部欄,但當使用Alt-時顯示各種打開的應用程序時使用32x32大小版本標籤)。 Once I have that .ico file, I know how to use it within my widget toolkit to get this effect, but I don't know how to get it. 一旦我有.ico文件,我知道如何在我的widget工具包中使用它來獲得這個效果,但我不知道如何獲得它。

What process should I use to make such a file? 我應該用什麼程序來製作這樣的文件?


參考一: https://en.stackoom.com/question/IGpl
參考二: https://stackoom.com/question/IGpl
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