
Can we get a menu? 可以給我們菜單嗎?
Choose what you want to eat. 選你想喫的。
Did you choose what you want? 你選好你想要喫的了嗎?
I want zajangmian and sweet and sour pork. 我想喫炸醬麪和糖醋肉。
Hello. May I order now? 你好。現在我可以點餐了嗎?
Get me some water, please. 請給我些水。
Can you get it quickly? 你可以快點供餐嗎?
How long do I have to wait till the dishes come out?我還要等多久,菜纔會出來?
Can you set the spoons and chopsticks? 你能擺一下湯匙和筷子嗎?
Don't goof around in the restaurant. 不可以在餐廳胡鬧。
You have food on your lips. Mom will clean it off for you. 你的嘴巴上沾到食物了。媽媽幫你擦掉。
Want some more? 還要多喫一點嗎?
Mine is good, too. Want to try some? 我的也很好喫。你要嘗一下嗎?
Mommy will eat the leftovers. 剩下的食物給媽媽喫。
Mom, I spilled my water. 媽,我的水濺出來了。
Can you pack the rest, please? 請把剩餘的打包起來。
Can we get the check, please? 請給我結賬單。
The dish was too salty / bland. 這食物太鹹/清淡了。
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