依舊學英語:好奇心(A Scream on the Night Train)

    Lucy and Lin are on a train at night. They're getting ready to go to sleep in their room.

Suddenly, they hear a scream.

Did you hear that?

Yeah. Maybe someone is in danger.

Lucy listens at the door.

Let me see if everything is ok.

No! Maybe a murderer is outside our room!

You watch too much TV.

I don't want someone to kill me!

I'll feel better if I see what's happening.

And I'll feel better if you lock the door and  go to sleep.

Fine. I'll stay here.

Later, in the middle of the night, Lin wakes up. She sees that Lucy is not in her bed.

Oh no! Where's Grandma?

Lin walks into the hallway.Suddenly, she hears Lucy scream in the next room.

She runs to the door and opens it.

Inside the room, Lucy is playing cards with a group of women.

Grandma?why did you scream?!

Lin! Meet my new friend, Jane! She's not a murderer.

But she did just take $100 from me in our card game.

    琳和她的奶奶露西在深夜的火車上聽到隔壁的尖叫聲。露西想要去看看究竟是什麼情況,琳卻強烈阻止…琳半夜醒來,不見了露西,出門尋找,在走廊上聽到露西的尖叫從隔壁傳出來… 琳推門而入,露西正和幾個女人在一起打牌,她贏了一百塊,高興得發出尖叫…







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