
There's a motor show going on today. 我們有個汽車展在正在舉辦。
I heard the Snoopy Exhibition is coming up next month.我聽說下個月會有史努比的展覽會。
Let's go to the dinosaur museum today. 我們今天去恐龍博物館吧。
A museum is a place where historic things are displayed.博物館是展出有歷史意義物品的地方。
Let's go to the art museum today. 今天我們去美術館吧。
An art museum displays many works of art. 美術館是展出各種美術品的地方。
Whose work of art is this? 這是誰的作品?
What do you think of this work? 你覺得這個作品如何?
I want to draw something this cool. 我也想畫出這麼棒的畫。
Read this descriptions here. 讀讀這裏的說明。
Listen to what the guide says. 好好聽導遊的說明。
Don't touch that. Just look at it. 不要碰。用看的就好。
You are not allowed to take photos in the museum.在博物館內是禁止照相的。
You should be quiet in the showrooms. 你在展區要保持安靜。
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