An Ota Package Tool


Archive of the diff files and changelog using git on Linux system.

The ota_packer tool provided in bin directory can build two types of package: full and incremental. The tool takes the target-files .tar and .zip files produced by your project installation files as input, and the project installation file must use the Git tool to manage.


Binary Installation

The executable file of linux-x86-64 version is provided by default and placed in bin directory.Therefore, just download to run:

$ git clone

Installing Tool from Source

$ git clone
$ cd OtaPackageTool
$ go build -o bin ./...



  1. Add executable to $PATH
  2. Enter the installation file version repository
$ cd your_installation_file_version_repository
  1. Run the ota_packer command


# --------------------------------------------------
$ ota_packer version
ota_packer version 0.0.1

# --------------------------------------------------
$ ota_packer -h
Archive of the diff files using git on Linux system.

  ota_packer [command]

Available Commands:
  gen         Generate package file
  help        Help about any command
  version     Get version of ota_packer

  -c, --config string         Config file (default is $HOME/.ota_packer.yaml)
  -h, --help                  help for ota_packer
  -n, --project-name string   Your project name (default "OTA")

Use "ota_packer [command] --help" for more information about a command.

# --------------------------------------------------
$ ota_packer gen -h
Generate a specific version package by entering different configuration parameters.

  ota_packer gen [flags]

  -F, --diff-filter string       git diff --diff-filter and a similar designation (default "ACMRT")
  -e, --end-commit-id string     End revision (default "HEAD")
  -f, --format string            The format of the archive, supporting zip and tar (default "tar")
  -h, --help                     help for gen
  -o, --output string            Output destination path of the archive
  -p, --prefix string            Prefixed to the filename in the archive while project name is not set. (default "ota_packer")
  -s, --start-commit-id string   Start revision (default "HEAD~1")
  -v, --verbose                  Show packaging process statistics

Global Flags:
  -c, --config string         Config file (default is $HOME/.ota_packer.yaml)
  -n, --project-name string   Your project name (default "OTA")

Full Updates

If you set start-commit-id and end-commit-id to the same value, a full upgrade package for current commit id is generated.

$ ota_packer gen -s HEAD -e HEAD
$ ota_packer gen -s HEAD~1 -e HEAD~1
$ ota_packer gen -s HEAD~3 -e HEAD~1
$ ota_packer gen -s 6bc76a1f -e 6bc76a1f

Incremental updates

Set start-commit-id and end-commit-id. If end-commit-id datetime is greater than start-commit-id datetime, an incremental upgrade package is generated, otherwise incremental downgrade package is generated.

$ ota_packer gen -s HEAD~2 -e HEAD~0
$ ota_packer gen -s 6bc76a1f -e 9d31d032

# Set output path as 'tmp' directory, and set project name as 'Test'
$ ./output/ota_packer gen -s HEAD~1 -e HEAD~0 -o tmp -n "Test"
    Project Name  |  Test
     Output Path  |  tmp/
          Output  |  Test-20200630145419-6bc76a1-to-9d31d03.tar
       Changelog  |  ota_info.json
    "project_name": "Test",
    "last_ota_version": "6bc76a1",
    "ota_version": "9d31d03",
    "is_full_update": false,
    "changes": [
            "type": "D",
            "old_path": "models/y.model",
            "new_path": "models/y.model"

About OTA Changelog Status

A: addition of a file
C: copy of a file into a new one
D: deletion of a file
M: modification of the contents or mode of a file
R: renaming of a file
T: change in the type of the file


  • Git v2.27.0
  • UNIX and UNIX-like operating systems
  • Go1.13+ (optional)


Released under the MIT Licence.



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