我可以在不使用Composer的情況下安裝Laravel嗎? - Can I Install Laravel without using Composer?


I'd like to know if I can install or use the Laravel PHP framework on any web server without using Composer (PHP package/dependency manager) every time? 我想知道我是否可以在任何Web服務器上安裝或使用Laravel PHP框架而不必每次都使用Composer (PHP包/依賴管理器)?

I would like to be able to drop my app on to any web server (like a shared server without access to the command line). 我希望能夠將我的應用程序放到任何Web服務器上(如無法訪問命令行的共享服務器)。

If I run composer install the first time (locally), then all the dependencies should be present, correct? 如果我第一次(本地)運行composer install ,那麼所有的依賴項都應該存在,對嗎?

Then, I should be able to drop it onto any server with all of the files (including the vendor directory)? 然後,我應該能夠將它放到任何包含所有文件(包括供應商目錄)的服務器上?


參考: https://stackoom.com/en/question/14sl2
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