iOS 7 - 無法實例化默認視圖控制器 - iOS 7 - Failing to instantiate default view controller


I am using Xcode 5 in a newly created app and when I just create it I go for the run button e click on it, then the project gets built but it does not show in the iOS Simulator and I get the following message:我在一個新創建的應用程序中使用 Xcode 5,當我剛剛創建它時,我點擊運行按鈕,然後點擊它,然後項目被構建,但它沒有顯示在 iOS 模擬器中,我收到以下消息:

 Failed to instantiate the default view controller for UIMainStoryboardFile 'Main' - 
 perhaps the designated entry point is not set?

I've Googled about it of course and everybody points out that this is happening because XCode does not know yet which view controller is the initial one.我當然已經在谷歌上搜索過了,每個人都指出這是因爲 XCode 還不知道哪個視圖控制器是最初的。 But the weird thing is that I created the app as a page based (also tried single-view and tabbed app options) app and XCode already had defined a Storyboard for it.但奇怪的是,我將應用程序創建爲基於頁面的(也嘗試過單視圖和選項卡式應用程序選項)應用程序,而 XCode 已經爲它定義了一個故事板。

Also, when I go to the main interface option of the project the storyboard (named "Main" by Xcode itself) is set, and in the Storyboard, my view controller is set as the "Initial View Controller"此外,當我轉到項目的主界面選項時,故事板(由 Xcode 本身命名爲“Main”)已設置,並且在故事板中,我的視圖控制器被設置爲“初始視圖控制器”


What is wrong?怎麼了?


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