模塊……不受 gradle 支持 - Module … is not backed by gradle


I'm using IntelliJ IDEA Pro 13.1.2.我正在使用 IntelliJ IDEA Pro 13.1.2。 Never used any versions below 13.從未使用過任何低於 13 的版本。

When trying to run build.gradle from IDE I get the message:嘗試從 IDE 運行build.gradle ,我收到以下消息:

Module is not backed by gradle模塊不受 gradle 支持

I can run this script from the command line just fine.我可以從命令行運行這個腳本就好了。

The "root" directory has both .gradle and gradle sub-directories and, in general its structure is very similar to another module from the same project where I can run its build from IDE without problems. “根”目錄具有.gradlegradle子目錄,通常它的結構與同一個項目中的另一個模塊非常相似,我可以從 IDE 運行它的構建而不會出現問題。

Any suggestions on further troubleshooting?有關進一步故障排除的任何建議?


參考: https://stackoom.com/en/question/1aiTD
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