Vim 文件導航 - Vim file navigation


I'm trying really hard to learn vim after using TextMate for the last few years.在過去幾年中使用 TextMate 後,我非常努力地學習 vim。

I've started to commit some of the in-file navigation to memory but I'm struggling with navigating between multiple files.我已經開始將一些文件內導航提交到內存中,但我正在努力在多個文件之間導航。

In my workflow it is pretty common that I'm flipping between a handful of files pretty regularly (enough files such that split-pane windows become too small).在我的工作流程中,我經常在少數文件之間翻轉是很常見的(足夠多的文件使得拆分窗格窗口變得太小)。

I'm currently using NERDTree but find drilling down into directories cumbersome as well as constantly using CTRL + W h / CTRL + W l to hop back and forth.我目前正在使用 NERDTree,但發現深入到目錄中很麻煩,並且經常使用CTRL + W h / CTRL + W l來回跳躍。

I think I would do better with tabs I can easily toggle between but maybe I need to use a different workflow.我想我會用可以輕鬆切換的選項卡做得更好,但也許我需要使用不同的工作流程。

I'd also like a "Go to File..." shortcut like CMD + T in TextMate.我還想要“轉到文件...”快捷方式,例如 TextMate 中的CMD + T。 I've found fuzzy_file_finder but it requires vim to be built with Ruby bindings which isn't the case the native installs I've worked on.我發現了fuzzy_file_finder但它需要使用Ruby 綁定構建vim,而我使用的本機安裝並非如此。

While I could rebuild the main reason I want to switch to vim is so I can have one editor environment that I know will easily work across any platform.雖然我可以重建,但我想切換到 vim 的主要原因是我可以擁有一個我知道可以在任何平臺上輕鬆工作的編輯器環境。

The options out there are overwhelming any ideas are much appreciated!那裏的選項壓倒性的任何想法都非常感謝!


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