How to improve your communication skills in English language

Do you know? What are the importance of having good command of english language? And Why, nowadays communication matter? And what are the role of english language in our destination? 

It's well know that having good communication in english language resolves lots of barriers. It help us to coordinate easily without being fearless, that is why we focus on others things clearly. 

In other hand, I want know from you, what does it mean to be  a  bad communicator? 

Before diving into communication techniques, learn benefits of english language 
1. Memory Improvement
2. Improve Listening Skills
3. Knowledge Enhancement
4. Increase employment Opportunities.
5. Easily coordinate. 

If you are like me, and want to grab that benefits then should practice these things. 

Know your grammar level
Grammar is the foundation of every language. It help to speak and write with the correct manner. That is why we able to communicate with an effective & impressive way. It makes you a runner.

Listen to podcast
Podcasts are very famous as content , gather information.
But i do only listen 2 prodcast of Ankur Warikoo, He is an Internet Entrepreneur and he is counted as a top world public speaker based out of India. He talks about digital courses, careers and personal growth. So while i was learning basic english so I do follow him. 

Choice of words
Better command on words , it help you to transfer your message in an effective way, people will listen to you and they will gaive you feedback too. This is called the power of choice of words.

Know about communicator
While speaking ,listen communicator first, we can say it shows respect towards your partner and understand more about him/her. That is why, we responce very clearly with uniqueness.

Do practice 15 minutes
If you are a beginner or english is your second language then you have multiple works as with job. I thought 15 minutes are very suffient for that students.Because consistency is matters.Doing nothing is better the doing little.

Buttom Line
I have covered in this post ,mortantce of language and how you can improve it , in the right and easy way. And role of english language in our modern life. If you want to know Types of communication, so i have post an article on my website visit there and explore information and give us valuable feedback or recommendation.

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