Box64:見證 ARM 遊戲場景的誕生


您知道嗎,在Linux上,您已經可以在ARM 32位架構上運行x86 32位軟件,而無需使用 QEMU 之類的虛擬機解決方案。您可以通過使用 Box86 以非常小的性能損失實現這一點,這是一款負責將 x86 32位指令實時翻譯成 ARM 32位處理器可以理解的東西的軟件。它還將相應地負責與正確的系統庫接口,以便爲 Linux 製作的 x86 二進制文件可以在運行 Linux 的ARM板上無縫運行。這使得在像 Raspberry Pi 這樣的主板上運行大量的應用程序甚至(更老的)遊戲成爲可能。這是一個叫 PtitSeb 的人的作品,我很瞭解他,因爲我們都在開放的 Pandora 社區投入了大量資金(10年前!).Box86最初是一款在瑞士軍刀上運行更多遊戲的理想軟件,就像開放的潘多拉一樣,現在你可以在所有廉價的ARM SoC上使用它。

從那以後,PtitSeb比以往任何時候都更忙,最近發佈了Box64 (Github page),它通過支持在ARM64處理器上(一如既往,在Linux上)翻譯x86_64處理器指令,將整個事情帶到了一個不同的水平。這是最終目標,因爲這打開了現代遊戲體驗的大門(目前大多數遊戲的二進制文件都是爲x86_64製作的),誰知道呢,如果Vulkan兼容性在ARM SoCs上得到改善,可能會爲非本機遊戲帶來質子。

例如,您可以看到最近在ARM64板RADXA ZERO上運行的復古遊戲Cyber Shadow(爲x86_64製作的GOG版本),這兩款遊戲都帶有Box86和Box64:

這是《不要捱餓》(GOG x86_64版本),運行在裝有Box64的Raspberry Pi 4上(大約30fps):

如果你喜歡建築/策略類遊戲,你會有興趣知道監獄建築師(x86_64版)在ROCKPI4C (RK3399 SoC)上運行的非常體面。

這裏有一個彙編,你可以看到一堆遊戲,如Undertale,SteamDig,Iconoclast,Super Meat Boy等,運行在ARM64板RADXA與Box64:

如你所見,在Linux ARM64上運行X86_64遊戲的承諾不再是夢想,而是現實!當然,除了休閒/獨立遊戲之外,大多數董事會都不夠強大,所以你不會很快看到Pi 4運行Metro Exodus。但是,如果任何製造商發佈更強大的東西…故事可能會改變得很快。



PtitSeb: Box86和box64非常相似。事實上,它們是互補的。Box86面向32位linux應用,而box64面向64位應用。這是它們之間唯一的功能差異(當然,這意味着更多的內部差異……)

BS:box 64目前支持什麼樣的硬件(在ARM上和在AMD64指令方面)?目前在製品的數量是多少?

PtitSeb:任何64位小端Linux arch都可以被支持,但是目前,我只在ARM64上測試過。我還沒有使用任何ARM64 CPU擴展,所以任何具有高級SIMD支持的ARM64都可以工作。我在Pi4、許多RK3399板、Odroid N2板和Phytium ARM CPU上使用過Box64。它也在Nvidia ARM CPU上工作,就像在Jetson board或任天堂Switch上發現的那樣。模擬的x86_64 CPU具有所有預期的最低擴展:FPU/MMX/SSE/SSE2。也是SSSE3。我啓動了一些SSE4.x操作碼,但它還不完全受支持。因爲它是基於存在了幾年的Box86,所以很多部分已經很穩定了。仍然是一個WIP,因爲兼容性還沒有達到我想要的水平。












蘋果世界中的Box64 vs Rosetta2




PtitSeb:嗯,是的,質子似乎是我的目標的邏輯延伸:葡萄酒64 +蒸汽…質子!我還沒有嘗試過,我更喜歡專注於我已經必須修復的東西。我還需要在使用Proton之前包裝Vulkan,因爲在Box64上還沒有這樣做。Vulkan是一個棘手的部分,現在是的。Pi4驅動在MESA上有一個Vulkan驅動,但是它的能力對於DXVK來說太有限了。Panfrost Vulkan可能還可以,但是現在還很新。我在wine (32位和64位)上完成的所有測試都顯示了OpenGL遊戲的良好性能(只需要很少的翻譯),以及在Pi4/RK3399/OdroidN2上使用當前Mesa驅動程序的DirectX的更緩和的結果。希望Vulkan的支持將發展到幫助Windows遊戲。


PtitSeb:我確實收到了一個來自Pine64 yes的RockPro64 SBC,它與PineBook Pro中的硬件相同(我們去年對它進行了評測)。他們在上一篇博文中確實提到了Box64,很貼心!Radxa也給我發了一些SBC,W0可以運行Box86/Box64遊戲,只需0.5A的USB端口(所以CPU+GPU+一切都需要2.5W!).
Radxa zero板

BS:box 64的上市最終會讓ARM硬件更有可能應用於筆記本電腦或工作站嗎?你對此有什麼看法?

PtitSeb:嗯,Box64需要更穩定,當它能夠完美地運行Steam / Proton時,是的,它會有所幫助。蘋果的M1 /羅塞塔2計劃表明,通過適當的硬件和軟件組合,您可以定義x86工作站的替代方案。


嗯,我確實看到了一個運動。Phytium CPUs正在獲得8核版本,我看到俄羅斯製造商幾天前發佈了一款新的ARM桌面PC。所以,是的,它正在出現。

BS:隨着x86的某種形式的迴歸(AMD再次推動高性能,英特爾大量投資R&D和光刻技術,以及更強大的集成GPU和Arc),您認爲ARM SoCs在筆記本電腦/臺式機/遊戲環境中的機會在哪裏?

PtitSeb:當然,x86製造商不會讓蘋果和M1不戰而勝。但是機會沒有變。雖然x86尚未消亡,但現在有一個真正的機會來證明ARM是真正的替代產品,因爲公衆現在意識到還有其他產品可用。我覺得無論是筆記本還是臺式機,ARM64都有機會。這也是一個政治選擇:技術獨立:ARM許可證vs CPU。中國和俄羅斯正在努力(不僅是ARM,還有RISC-V,可能還有其他架構)。但就目前而言,只有ARM強大到足以成爲一個可行的替代方案。

BS:你認爲在不久的將來有可能在ARM硬件上連接Nvidia或AMD GPU顯卡嗎?到目前爲止,儘管Raspberry Pi 4計算模塊有一個PCI express端口,但讓GPU卡工作的努力並不成功(可能是固件、內存分配問題)

PtitSeb:已經有可能了,但不是在Pi4上。例如,在Phytium CPU上,您可以(事實上必須)插入外部GPU。現在主要是AMD,因爲驅動程序是開源的,所以很容易構建。Nvidia也有ARM64的驅動。



BS:我有一個使用ARM64 SoC的Odroid Go Advance手持設備。如何讓Box64運行x86 Linux客戶端遊戲(使用OpenGL)?

PtitSeb:我把box64設計得儘可能即插即用。構建很簡單,不需要任何特殊的依賴項,而且它是獨立的:一個二進制文件就足以準備好使用它(最好使用小的extra:與binfmt和廣泛使用的2個C++庫的系統集成)。對於Odroid Go Advance,在設備上構建box64可能更棘手(需要ssh訪問),交叉編譯也很棘手。不幸的是,我沒有這個設備,所以我從來沒有設置或記錄任何有關它的東西。
方框64:樹莓Pi 4的製作說明
廉價ARM SOCs vs Intel芯片,用Box64跑基準有多快?

BS:既然你現在有一個x86_64指令的翻譯層,是否有可能在完全相同的任務上測試Raspberry Pi 4與Intel芯片的速度?(非遊戲——例如文件壓縮、視頻編碼等)——看看Pi4離“常規”英特爾或AMD芯片有多遠可能是件好事。

PtitSeb:是的,我運行過CINEBENCH r15,這是一個Wine64 CPU/OpenGL基準測試。OpenGL bench不喜歡Panfrost驅動(或者Pi4那個)。但是CPU工作臺工作得很完美。在默認時鐘(1.8GHz)的Pi/400上,我得到了CINEBENCH r15的60分。Cinebench給出了Core-i5 3317U在1.7GHz下的參考分數214。因此,要達到高性能陣營還需要做一些工作…

BS:你知道來自Valve的Steam Deck,它使用AMD APU來播放Steam目錄的大部分內容。我們離擁有一款使用純ARM64 SOC運行Steam遊戲的類似設備還有多遠,在Linux上運行Box64,並根據需要運行其他項目?

PtitSeb:就目前而言,我使用的ARM SoC的GPU部分一直是薄弱的部分。最明顯的例子是RPi4,它有4個大內核,能夠進行一些不錯的數字處理,但一個非常弱的GPU,無法運行任何在屏幕上推動太多陰影三角形的東西。但隨着英偉達對ARM的投資,這種情況可能會改變。我的意思是,我們知道使用ARM SoC的交換機已經非常強大。


PtitSeb:在更多SoC上測試總是受歡迎的。我自己沒有任何NVidia SoC,也沒有任何Chromebook。即將推出功能強大的主板,也有功能強大的GPU,因此一些成功的故事總是受歡迎的!









Box64: Witness the Birth of the ARM Gaming Scene

box64 logo

Did you know that on Linux, you can already run x86 32 bits software on an ARM 32bits architecture WITHOUT using a Virtual Machine solution such as QEmu? You can do that at very little performance penalty by using [Box86], a piece of software which takes care of translating x86 32 bits instructions in real-time into something that can be understood by an ARM 32 bits processor. It will also take care of interfacing with the right system libraries accordingly so that an x86 binary made for Linux will run seamlessly on an ARM board running Linux. This made it possible to run tons of applications or even (older) games on boards like the Raspberry Pi. This is the work of a single man, PtitSeb, whom I know well since we were both heavily invested in the Open Pandora community (10 years ago now!). Box86 was initially a piece of software that was ideal for running even more games on the Swiss army knife that the Open Pandora is, and now you can use it on every cheap ARM SoC out there.

Since then, PtitSeb has been more busy than ever and has released recently Box64 (Github page), which takes the whole thing to a different level, by supporting the translation of x86_64 processors instructions on ARM64 processors (as always, on Linux). This is the ultimate goal since this opens to door to modern gaming experiences (most binaries for games are made for x86_64 these days), and who knows, potentially Proton for non-native games provided Vulkan compatibility improves on ARM SoCs.

You can see for example the recent retro game Cyber Shadow (GOG version made for x86_64) running on the ARM64 board RADXA ZERO, both with Box86 and Box64:

And here’s Don’t Starve (GOG x86_64 version), running on a Raspberry Pi 4 with Box64 (at about 30fps):

If you like building/strategy games, you will be interested to know that Prison Architect (x86_64 version) runs very decently on ROCKPI4C (RK3399 SoC).

And here’s a compilation where you can see a bunch of games, such as Undertale, SteamDig, Iconoclast, Super Meat Boy, and more, running on the ARM64 board RADXA with Box64:

As you can see the promise of running X86_64 games on Linux ARM64 is not a dream anymore, it’s a reality! Of course, most of the boards out there are too underpowered to run anything but casual/indie titles, so you won’t be seeing a Pi 4 running Metro Exodus anytime soon. But if any manufacturer releases something more powerful… the story could change pretty fast.

We have reached PtitSeb for a quick Q&A on Box64 and where he sees this going forward.

From Box86 to Box64

Boiling Steam: What are the main differences between Box86 and Box64 ?

PtitSeb: Box86 and box64 are very similar. In fact, they are complementary. Box86 targets 32bits linux apps, while box64 targets 64bits apps. That’s the only functionnal difference between them (of course, this implies much more differences internally…)

BS: What kind of hardware is currently supported by Box64 (both on ARM and in terms of AMD64 instructions) ? How much of a WIP is it currently ?

PtitSeb: Any 64bits Little Endian Linux arch could be supported, but for now, I only tested on ARM64. I haven’t used any ARM64 CPU extension yet, so any ARM64 that have Advanced SIMD support will work. I have used Box64 on a Pi4, on many RK3399 boards, on an Odroid N2 board and on a Phytium ARM CPU. It’s also working on Nvidia ARM CPU, like the ones found on the Jetson board, or the Nintendo Switch. The emulated x86_64 CPU has all the minimum expected extensions: FPU/MMX/SSE/SSE2. Also SSSE3. I started a few SSE4.x opcodes, but it is not fully supported yet. Because it is based on Box86 that has a few years of existence, many parts are already stable. Still very much a WIP, as the compatibility is not yet at the level I want it to be.

BS: What were your goals when you started working on Box64 after Box86: did you have any particular project or idea in mind as to what it would make possible?

PtitSeb: My main goal was to run wine64, with a secondary goal to get local server part of Steam running. While I do have Wine64 working now, I still haven’t achieved my secondary goal yet.

BS: To get the local server of Steam running – what is required to make this work?

PtitSeb: Bug fixes it seems. Everything seems to load but crashes eventually. I need to debug this, but it’s a huge program, with a lot of dependencies, mostly emulated libs, and at some point, something goes wrong…

BS: regarding your ongoing work on Box64, is it mainly focused now on accuracy and compatibility, or are there still opportunities for performance improvements too?

PtitSeb: There are a few more opportunities for performances, but I need to focus on compatibility and lib wrapping for the next iterations. Lib wrapping can also bring some speed improvement anyway.

What kind of games can we run currently with Box64?

BS: We have seen games like Shovel Knight, Super Meat Boy, running well now on ARM using Box64. Have you seen anything slightly more demanding that was running using Box64?

PtitSeb: I have Unity3D games running now. While full 3D games like SUPERHOT are too much for current embedded GPU of the RK3399 (2fps is really not enough), simpler games do work nicely (like Race The Sun). I have got games like Train Valley to works too (both 1st and 2nd one). 2D games work fine, like Prison Architect, but some are still a bit slow (GPU may be the bottleneck?) like for Terraria or Starbound. Factorio also starts, but it hits GPU/Driver Bugs and is not displayed correctly for now.

BS: As you focus more and more on Box64, will you keep working on Box86 in parallel ?

PtitSeb: Yes, and because code base is similar, many bug fix/improvements from one can be ported to the other one.

Box64 vs Rosetta2 in Apple land

BS: How does Box64 compare with technologies like Rosetta2 from Apple ?

PtitSeb: Difficult to say I’m not super familiar with Rosetta2. My understanding is that it features an off-line translator (that I assume is triggered when you install x86_64 software) that Box64 does not have. I think it also has a whole set of pre-baked “x86_64” system libraries to avoid the need of wrapping. The CPU translation seems solid from what I have seen.

Box64 and Proton

BS: Many people are wondering, when looking at Box64, whether it will be possible to use this to run Proton with it one day, and therefore play some Windows game through that kind of translation layer. There should be some difficulties around that, such as the availability of Vulkan drivers for said ARM hardware, the Vulkan capabilities coverage, the capabilities of the GPU hardware and so on… what is your point of view on all of that?

PtitSeb: Well, yes, Proton seems the logical extension of my goals: wine64 + Steam… Proton! I haven’t tried yet, I prefer to stay focused on the stuff I already have to fix. And I need to also wrap Vulkan before playing with Proton, as it is not done on Box64 yet. Vulkan is a tricky part for now yes. The Pi4 driver has a Vulkan driver on MESA, but its capabilities are too limited for DXVK. Panfrost Vulkan might be OK, but it’s quite new for now. All the testing I have done on wine (32 bits and 64 bits) shows good performance for OpenGL games (where very little translation is needed), and more mitigated results for DirectX with current Mesa driver on Pi4/RK3399/OdroidN2. Hopefully Vulkan support will evolve to help with Windows games.

The future of ARM offerings

BS: Are you in touch with Pine64? They would probably be very interested by your work.

PtitSeb: I did receive a RockPro64 SBC from Pine64 yes, which is the same hardware as in the PineBook Pro(we reviewed it last year). They did mention Box64 in their last blog post, which is sweet! Radxa had also sent me a few SBCs, the W0 wich can run Box86/Box64 games powered just by a 0.5A USB port (so 2.5W for CPU+GPU+everything!).

Box64: The Radxa zero board

The Radxa zero board

BS: Does the availability of Box64 will eventually make it more likely to see ARM hardware used in laptops or workstations? What is your perspective on this?

PtitSeb: Well, Box64 needs to be more stable, and when it will run Steam / Proton flawlessly, then yes, it could help. Apple, with its M1 / Rosetta 2 initiative, showed that with the proper hardware & software combination, you can define an alternative to x86 workstation.

BS: You made a prediction back in February that PCs with powerful ARM chips would see the light of day during this year. Has this become true yet, based on what you have observed?

PtitSeb: Well, I do see a movement yes. Phytium CPUs are getting 8 cores versions, and I have seen that Russian manufacturer has unveiled a new ARM Desktop PC a few days ago. So yes, it’s coming along.

Box64: soon running on a Phytium?

BS: With x86 making some kind of comeback (AMD pushing again for high performance, and Intel investing massively in R&D and lithography and also more powerful integrated GPU with Arc), where do you see the opportunities for ARM SoCs in the laptop/desktop/gaming environments?

PtitSeb: Well, of course it was expected that x86 makers would not let Apple and it’s M1 win over the world without a fight. But the opportunities haven’t changed. And while x86 is not dead yet, a real chance to show that ARM is real alternative now exists, because the public is now aware there is something else available. I think on both laptops and desktops, ARM64 have a chance. And it’s also a political choice: technological independence: ARM licence vs CPU. China and Russia are working on that (not only on ARM, but also RISC-V and probably other architectures too). But for now, only ARM is powerful enough to be a viable alternative.

BS: Do you think it will be possible to hook up Nvidia or AMD GPU graphics cards on ARM hardware in the near future? So far even though the Raspberry Pi 4 compute module has a PCI express port, efforts to make GPU cards work were unsuccessful (probably firmware, memory allocation issues)

PtitSeb: It’s already possible, but not on Pi4. On the Phytium CPU for example, you can (have to in fact) plug an external GPU. Mostly AMD for now, as the driver is Open Source and so is easy to build. Nvidia also has a driver for ARM64.

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How to use Box64 in practice?

BS: I have an Odroid Go Advance handheld which uses a ARM64 SoC. How can I get Box64 to run a x86 Linux client game (that uses OpenGL) ?

PtitSeb: I designed box64 to be as much plug’n play as possible. Build is simple and does not require any special dependencies, and it’s stand alone: a binary is enough to be ready to use it (still better to use the small extra: system integration with binfmt and the 2 C++ libs that are widely used). For the Odroid Go Advance, building box64 on the device might be more tricky (need ssh access), and cross compiling can be tricky too. Unfortunately, I don’t own this device, so I have never setup or documented anything about it.

Box64: building instructions for a Raspberry Pi 4

How fast are cheap ARM SOCs vs Intel chips, using Box64 to run benchmarks?

BS: Since you have a translation layer now for x86_64 instructions, is it possible to benchmark how fast is a Raspberry Pi 4 vs an Intel chip on the very same tasks? (non-games – for example file compression, video encoding, etc…) – it could be nice to see how far the Pi4 is from the “regular” intel or AMD chips.

PtitSeb: Yes, I have run CINEBENCH r15, a Wine64 CPU/OpenGL benchmark. The OpenGL bench doesn’t like Panfrost driver (or Pi4 one). But the CPU bench works perfectly. On a Pi/400 with default clock (1.8GHz), I got a CINEBENCH r15 score of 60. Cinebench gives for reference a score of 214 for a Core-i5 3317U at 1.7GHz. So still some work to get to the high performance camp…

Could a future Steam Deck-like machine run on ARM?

BS: You are aware of the Steam Deck from Valve, which uses an AMD APU to play most of the Steam catalogue. How far away are we from having a similar kind of device using a pure ARM64 SOC to run Steam games, on Linux, with Box64 and potentially other projects as needed?

PtitSeb: For now, the GPU part of the ARM SoC I used have always been the weak part. The most flagrant example is the RPi4, that has 4 big cores capable of some nice number crunching, but a really weak GPU that is unable to run anything pushing too many shaded triangles on screen. But with Nvidia’s investment in ARM, this may change. I mean, we know that a Switch, which uses an ARM SoC is already quite capable.

Community Support

BS: Is there something you would like to ask the community at large to help with Box64? ANy testing needed on more SoCs? Any application you’d like to know if they work or not?

PtitSeb: Testing on more SoC is always welcome. I don’t have any NVidia SoC myself, and I don’t have any Chromebook neither. There are powerful boards coming up, with powerful GPUs too, so some success stories are always welcome!

BS: Do you accept any kind of donations (financial or in hardware) to support Box86/Box64 ?

PtitSeb: Yes, you can donate for box64/box86 development. I have setup a GitHub sponsor page, but there is also a simple Paypal donation option. For hardware, my mail address is not public so you need to contact me first for this.

We will be following Box64 very closely at Boiling Steam – this has the clear potential to be a game changer, maybe not in this year, but in the very near future, as Apple has shown how great the opportunity can be. In any case it’s very healthy to be in a more competitive market not just dependent on x86 for everything.

Except this to make big waves.

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