压缩main.dart.js 脚本

#!/usr/bin/python # coding:utf-8 import hashlib import os, sys import zipfile print("\n ======== Start hash resource ======== \n") #计算md5值 def CalcMD5(filepath): with open(filepath,'rb') as f: md5obj = hashlib.md5() md5obj.update(f.read()) hash = md5obj.hexdigest() return hash #给文件名加hash值 def createHashName(oldFileName): hash = CalcMD5(oldFileName) if (oldFileName.endswith('dart.js')): return oldFileName.replace('dart.js',hash+'.dart.js') if (oldFileName.endswith('part.js')): return oldFileName.replace('part.js',hash+'.part.js') # 查看当前工作目录 currentPath = os.getcwd() # 修改当前工作目录 path = "./web" os.chdir( path ) webPath = os.getcwd() print("找到.js结尾的文件并拼接hash") jsFileList = [] jsFileHashMap = {} pathList = os.listdir(webPath) for path in pathList: if (path.endswith("dart.js") | path.endswith("part.js")): jsFileList.append(path) jsFileHashMap[path] = createHashName(path) print(jsFileHashMap) #检查文件,替换文件中的一些文件引用 def checkFile(file): with open(file, "r") as f1,open("%s.bak" % file, "w") as f2: for line in f1: for old_str in jsFileList: if old_str in line: if old_str == 'main.dart.js': if 'part.js' in line: continue new_str = jsFileHashMap[old_str] line = line.replace(old_str, new_str) lastLine = line f2.write(line) os.remove(file) os.rename("%s.bak" % file, file) print("整理main.dart.js") mainDartJs = 'main.dart.js' checkFile(mainDartJs) print("整理flutter_service_worker.js") flutterServiceWorkerJs = 'flutter_service_worker.js' checkFile(flutterServiceWorkerJs) print("整理index.html") indexHtml = 'index.html' checkFile(indexHtml) print("将part.js的引用手动添加到index.html中") partJsFile = [] for jsFile in jsFileList: if (jsFile.endswith('part.js')): partJsFile.append(jsFileHashMap[jsFile]) with open(indexHtml, "r") as f1,open("%s.bak" % indexHtml, "w") as f2: for line in f1: if "js/plugin.js" in line : f2.write(line) for partFile in partJsFile: f2.write("<script src=\"%s\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>\n" % partFile) continue f2.write(line) os.remove(indexHtml) os.rename("%s.bak" % indexHtml, indexHtml) print("更改文件名") for jsFile in jsFileList : newFile = jsFileHashMap[jsFile] os.rename(jsFile,newFile) print("返回上层文件夹,更改web文件为static-meeting-manager并压缩") managerFile = "static-meeting-manager" os.chdir('..') os.rename('web',managerFile) zipFile = "static-meeting-manager.zip" if (os.path.exists(zipFile)): os.remove(zipFile) zip = zipfile.ZipFile(zipFile,"w") for path,dirnames,filenames in os.walk(managerFile): zip.write(path) for filename in filenames: zip.write(os.path.join(path,filename)) zip.close() print("\n========= 操作完成 ===========\n")
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