2023-02-28 Your thoughts emit frequencies

Your thoughts influence your emotional state. And how you feel, you attract.

The energy of love and abundance is constantly flowing through you. It is your birthright. Your choices either allow for the flee-flow of that power or block your fuel.

All it takes is awareness.

You can let the light into your day, see good in everyone and respond to the world with kindness, or you can spread darkness.

You are a free being.

You get to choose the intention for the day.

Will you lead it with unconditional love?

Or will you stain it with fear and ignorance?

What energy do I want to bring into my day?

Whatever you choose will determine the quality of your life.

Seeing humans as flawed creatures allow us to forgive. Instead of condemning everyone for their choices, focus on yourself.

Invite compassion into your life. Practice seeing the world through the lens of goodness and abundance.

The attitude you choose today, will create your tomorrow.

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