2023-02-27 What does it mean to be wise?

“The wise man is full of joy, cheerful and calm, undisturbed. He lives on equal terms with the gods. Now examine yourself: if you are never sad, if no hope disturbs your mind with anticipation of the future, if by day and night the condition of your spirit is even and unvarying, alert and happy with itself, then you have reached the high point of human good, Seneca said.

Wisdom is profoundly understanding the world and human nature and applying that understanding to make sound decisions and judgments.

Wisdom can also include thinking and reflecting deeply, possessing insight, and having good judgement. It also often includes humility, compassion, and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances.

Seneca said, “Wisdom does not show itself so much in precept as in life — in firmness of mind and a mastery of appetite. It teaches us to do as well as to talk; and to make our words and actions all of a color.”

Wisdom can help us to make thoughtful and well-informed decisions. By using our knowledge and experience and considering the long-term consequences of our actions, we can make choices that will lead to positive outcomes.

Wisdom can also help us to manage our emotions and reactions to difficult situations.

By understanding our own emotions and the emotions of others, we can respond calmly and rationally rather than becoming overwhelmed by negative feelings.

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