JavaFX TitledPane

The JavaFX TitledPane control is a container control which displays its content inside a a pane (box) which at the top contains a title - hence the name TitledPane. The TitledPane control is implemented by the javafx.scene.control.TitledPane class. In this JavaFX TitledPane tutorial we will look at how to use the TitledPane control. Here is a JavaFX TitledPane screenshot showing how it looks:


A TitledPane can be collapsed so only the title bar is visible. This functionality is used inside the JavaFX Accordion control. The TitledPane can of course be expanded too. I will show how that works later in this tutorial.

Creating a JavaFX TitledPane

In order to use a JavaFX TitledPane you must first create a TitledPane instance. Here is an example of creating a JavaFX TitledPane:

Label label = new Label("The content inside the TitledPane");
TitledPane titledPane = new TitledPane("The Title", label);

Notice the second line in the code example. This is the line that creates the TitledPane instance. Notice how the title to display in the TitledPane is passed as a parameter to the constructor. Notice also, how the content to display, a JavaFX Node, is also passed as a parameter to the constructor. In this example the content is just a simple JavaFX Label.

Adding the TitledPane to the JavaFX Scene Graph

To make a JavaFX TitledPane instance visible, it must be added to a JavaFX scene graph. Here is a full example of adding a JavaFX TitledPane to a JavaFX scene graph:

import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.Label;
import javafx.scene.control.TitledPane;
import javafx.scene.layout.VBox;
import javafx.stage.Stage;

public class TitledPaneExample extends Application {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
        Label label = new Label("The content inside the TitledPane");
        TitledPane titledPane = new TitledPane("The Title", label);

        Scene scene = new Scene(new VBox(titledPane));

Collapse and Expand a TitledPane

The user can collapse and expand a JavaFX TitledPane using the small triangle next to the title in the title bar of the TitledPane . Here is an example of how a collapsed TitledPane looks:

Notice how the content of the TitledPane is no longer visible.

It is also possible to collapse and expand a TitledPane programmatically. You do so by calling its setExpanded() method. Here is an example of expanding and collapsing a TitledPane programmatically:


Disable Collapse

It is possible to disable the collapse functionality of a JavaFX TitledPane. You do so by calling its setCollapsible() method, passing a value of false as parameter. Here is how switching off the collapsible functionality of a TitledPane looks:

Label label = new Label("The content inside the TitledPane");
TitledPane titledPane = new TitledPane("The Title", label);



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