原创 C# 使用

1、連接 Access 2013 數據庫 Access 數據庫爲 .accdb 格式,提示錯誤,解決辦法: 1)下載安裝 Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable(25M

原创 Latex 中的若干問題

1、predefined colors in xcolor red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, yellow , black, gray , white, darkgray , lightgray , bro

原创 20070306-Connected component labeling – Part 1

原文:http://blogs.mathworks.com/steve/2007/03/06/connected-component-labeling-part-1/ bwlabel implements an operation

原创 20070215-Costas arrays

原文:http://blogs.mathworks.com/steve/2007/02/15/costas-arrays/ A Costas array is a permutation matrix. A permutation mat

原创 An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python - Week two

Event handlers — Event-driven programming Event handlers (also called callbacks) are functions registered to an event s

原创 An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python - Week zero

Comments — CodeSkulptor Non-computational parts of the program that textually describe the behavior of the program.Comm

原创 CSS3-浙江大學-翁愷

CSS介紹 CSS=層疊樣式表(Cascading Style Sheets) HTML表達結構,CSS表達樣式 樣式和內容/結構是分離的背景樣式 兩種效果: 1)純色 2)圖像 整個背景設置一個樣式 <body style="backg

原创 20070313-Connected component labeling – Part 2

原文:http://blogs.mathworks.com/steve/2007/03/13/connected-component-labeling-part-2/ In this series I'm discussing diff

原创 20070224-ROIPOLY – rectangular regions and logical indexing

原文:http://blogs.mathworks.com/steve/2007/02/24/roipoly-rectangular-regions-and-logical-indexing/ Rectangular regions Us

原创 The Data Scientist's Toolbox

01_02_GettingHelp Some important R functions Access help file ?rnormSearch help files help.search("rnorm")Get argume

原创 An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python - Week one

Functions — Functions Functions are reusable pieces of programs that take an input and produce an output.A function def

原创 Tk Tutorial - 13. Text

Text widgets are created using the Text function: text = Text(parent, width=40, height=10) The Basics If you just want

原创 Tk Tutorial - 15. Styles and Themes

Definitions Widget Class A widget class is used by Tk to identify the type of a particular widget; essentially, whether

原创 An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python - Week three

Canvas — Canvas and drawing The canvas is the area associated with an application where information contain in the appl

原创 Java相關問題

1、解決Eclipse 更新慢問題 Eclipse更新時速度真是慢,以幾K的龜速下載jar,經常報Read Time out,受不了啊。估計Eclipse主站的流量受到了限制。 解決辦法只能是更換到Mirror站點,具體步驟: 1)找個國