原创 How to get bean from tag component

Please refer to: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Component getBean(ValueStack stack, HttpServletReque

原创 How to setup Apache + Python + Django + mod_wsgi

Apache + Python + Django + mod_wsgi Installation Guideline   1.  Install Apache Install the apache follow the instruct

原创 getString() always return 255 when column is larger than 255

I have created a table with a column(varchar(1200), then insert some data to this table. When use Jdbc to get the value

原创 Client can't access Jboss server, the port is not accessable.

Run the JBoss server via:   run.bat -b   Then the server can be accessable via http://IP:PORT  

原创 Sample of HTML 5 game development

Just a sample of HTML 5 game development.<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> var Vehicl

原创 You should know this about T & F & Y!

Add below hosts, then you can access Twitter & Facebook.And please add "Https://" before the url if encountered the acc

原创 Keycode list

Just for reminder. key: { a: {code: 65}, b: {code: 66}, c: {code: 67}, d: {code: 68}, e: {code: 69}, f: {co

原创 "your computer needs to restart" when install Windows 8 on Virtualbox

When i install the Windows 8 Preview on Virtualbox, it always stopped at black screen with "your computer needs to res

原创 消防安全培訓總結

  1、 哨子:對於家中有老人,特別是獨居老人或有慢性病老人的的非常重要,一旦老人獨自在家發生意外(摔傷、生病、緊急情況)而導致行動不便或無力呼救時,隨手可拿的哨子將能夠引起鄰居或救援人員注意。如遇地震等情況,哨子也能夠起到呼救功能。再配

原创 Display the google map in jQuery ui dialog

Use the default settings, the google map can be displayed in a separate page. But, can't be displayed in the jQuery dia

原创 Translate C++ Dijkstra to Javascript version

The C++ Dijkstra is at: http://www.cnblogs.com/tanky_woo/archive/2011/01/19/1939041.html Calculate the path from 1 to 5

原创 How to open the dialog out of iframe by using jquery dialog

The solution is from http://stackoverflow.com   Once, i want to trigger the dialog in iframe, and want it to be openned

原创 Assign privilege to SA for drawing the relationship diagram in MsSQL

When click "Database relationship diagram" in MsSQL, warning "此數據庫沒有有效所有者" will be shown up.To fix this issue, just exe

原创 An effective way to use pattern to instead of multiple if else statements

We often face many if-else statements during the development, that's a little boring.We can use pattern to change this,

原创 Convert string to JSONObject by net.sf.json library

Just for reminder.JSONObject json = (JSONObject) JSONSerializer.toJSON( jsonTxt );