原创 Leetcode編程練習:課程編排

題目原文:(id=210) There are a total of n courses you have to take, labeled from 0 to n - 1. Some courses may have prere

原创 Leetcode編程練習一:盜馬三則

Leetcode上有三道連續的題目,名字叫做Horse Robber,下面我們一一描述。 一、Horse Robber(id:198) 原文描述: You are a professional robber planning to r

原创 證明重組問題爲NP完全問題

題目原文: 《算法概論》習題8.21 雜化測序。識別新基因的一種實驗方法會對該基因進行反覆檢測,以判斷其中包含那些k-串(長度爲k的子串)。然後基於它們重組整個基因序列。我們可以將其描述爲一個組合問題。對於任意字符串x(DNA序列),記F

原创 Leetcode編程練習:Arithmetic Slices

題目原文:(id=413) A sequence of number is called arithmetic if it consists of at least three elements and if the differen

原创 Leetcode編程練習:火柴匹配

題目原文:(id=473) Remember the story of Little Match Girl? By now, you know exactly what matchsticks the little match gir

原创 Leetcode編程練習二:求直方圖中矩形最大面積

Leetcode編程練習二:求直方圖中矩形最大面積 題目原文描述:(id=84) Given n non-negative integers representing the histogram’s bar height wh