原创 AWS API Gateway和Lambda的簡單測試

文章目錄具體流程創建Lambda應用創建API GatewayS3 Bucket網頁測試觸發API Gateway和Lambda函數碰到S3 Bucket刪除問題術語Reference 測試了一下使用API Gateway來觸發L

原创 AWS Route53裏使用Godady註冊的域名

AWS的Route53是可以註冊域名的,但是如果在外部註冊的域名怎麼在Route53裏使用呢,這裏使用外網的DNS服務的Godaddy註冊域名,並在AWS的Route53裏使用。 註冊域名並下載Zonefile 在Godaddy裏

原创 WPG and Yosun D&D on 27th Dec. 2019 and my next move

WPG and Yosun D&D was held on 27th Dec. 2019, Friday, at Parkroyal hotel on Pickering Singapore. I worked for Yosun

原创 DBI (Doing Business in Israel) programme Day 4 and 5, 18th and 19th Dec.2019

DBI programme Day 4 and 5, 18th,19th Dec.2019SummaryNegotiations workshop - The Israeli wayVisit orthodox hubLeader

原创 Renewed and collected my Singapore passport

It was almost 5 years usage for my first Singapore passport, and it will expire on 24 June 2020. I received a lette

原创 最近及去年看的幾部電影

哪吒之魔童降世,這部動畫片電影火並不是沒有原因,確實很好看,感覺比以前看好萊塢的大製作動畫片好看,因爲它更貼近我們自己的文化,熟悉的故事,熟悉的角色,幽默詼諧的情節,再加上強大的特效。 希望中國展現出文化自信,以後會有更多好的動畫

原创 Business trip to Copenhagen in March 2019 - 2 - Walking near the hotel

It was a nice morning on 19th March, though a little bit cold, I guess the temperature was around 15’C. After we se

原创 設置RHEL 6.5優先使用Wifi網絡,次優先使用本地eth0網絡


原创 FreeIPA安裝後Named service無法啓動 - RHEL6.5

在RHEL6.5的環境下,安裝FreeIPA後Named service無法啓動。錯誤如下: Configuring DNS (named) [1/9]: adding DNS container [2/9]: setti

原创 SSL導致httpd無法使用解決

安裝IPA的過程中,修改了/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf替換所有443爲444,導致了httpd啓動失敗。 查看日誌/var/log/httpd/error_log,有以下提示 Starting httpd:

原创 Business trip to Copenhagen in March 2019 - 3 - go to customer's office

On the same day of 19th March 2019, we went to customer’s office by train and came back to hotel also by public tra

原创 Facebook employee suicide case - Some thought about managing the working relationship

Below was a writing for the class BMA5016 Leading with Impact. A full-time software engineer at Facebook headquarte

原创 Traveled back to China from 2nd Aug. to 11th Aug. 2019

I traveled back to China from 2nd Aug. to 11th Aug. 2019, by China Southern Airline, transferred at GuangZhou, the

原创 ORA-01950: no privileges on tablespace 'USERS' - Oracle

Problem Import the objects from one user scott to another user tom, returns error ORA-01950: no privileges on table

原创 PC/SC Winscard SCardTransmit error 0x00000016 returned

Use PC/SC Winscard SCardTransmit function, it returns error 0x00000016 when using Contactless card reader, found th