原创 build hadoop2.0.3 alpha from source

Original source:   http://blog.csdn.net/hgd250/article/details/8697547 需要注意的是 hadoop2.0.3 alpha的編譯,必須使用protobuf2.4.1.

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今天是世界讀書日,突然想把最近閱讀的關於javascript的材料做個總結一,基本數據Javascript語言作爲一種動態語言,其基本數據類型包括 NumberStringBoolean (true,fal

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Mount the install DVD: mkdir -p /mnt/RHEL mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/RHEL Or if you just have the ISO, you can use that ins

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How to check the bit supported by the system. HP-UX:             #getconf KERNEL_BITS AIX:            #prtconf Linux: