http://www.javacreed.com/how-to-cache-results-to-boost-performance/ 最簡單的想法 IF value in cached THEN retur

原创 hsdis插件查看彙編碼

1、引入hsdis的dll文件 到 C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_131\jre\bin\server\hsdis-amd64.dll 2、配置jvm參數 -server -X

原创 mysql status記錄

================================================================ Several status variables provide statement counts.

原创 linux查看進程線程數量命令:

linux查看進程線程數量命令: 1、 root@iZj6c7f7xayisgqsw2hpx8Z:~# pstree -p 1388 | wc -l 498 root@iZj6c7f7xayisgqsw2hpx8Z:~# 2

原创 linux命令

from http://linuxtools-rst.readthedocs.io/zh_CN/latest/advance/03_optimization.html 性能優化 分析系統瓶頸 分析內存瓶頸 分析IO瓶頸 分

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from http://linuxtools-rst.readthedocs.io/zh_CN/latest/tool/iostat.html#iostat 11. iostat 監視I/O子系統 iostat是I/O sta

原创 String intern

https://javaranch.com/journal/200409/Journal200409.jsp#a1 Example 3.10.5-1. String Literals The program consisting

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To ensure transaction serializability, the server must not permit one session to perform a data definition language

原创 understanding-jvm-internals

http://www.cubrid.org/blog/understanding-jvm-internals **Virtual Machine The JRE is composed of the Java API and t

原创 Fixing the Java Memory Model, Part 2

Java theory and practice Fixing the Java Memory Model, Part 2 How will the JMM change under JSR 133? Brian Goet

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If you are just wandering over the collection to read all of the values, then there is no difference between using

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iostat netstat vmstat top jstack jps -vm jmap 點贊 收藏 分享 文章舉報 JsonJ123 發佈了19 篇原創文章 ·

原创 安全發佈和安全初始化

https://shipilev.net/blog/2014/safe-public-construction/ Theory Singletons and Singleton Factories It is mildly i

原创 spring ioc過程 記錄

1、不同標籤不同的parse類處理 2、處理annotation的類 ComponentScanBeanDefinitionParser parse =====================

原创 Fixing the Java Memory Model, Part 1

Java theory and practice Fixing the Java Memory Model, Part 1 What is the Java Memory Model, and how was it broken i