原创 ARC中管理Toll-free Bridging

ARC對象和非ARC對象對於初學者,首先需要分清楚兩種不同種類的對象: Objective-C 對象,它繼承自NSObject的所有對象。在ARC中,我們可以理解爲ARC對象。Core Foundation 對象,它是由C的struct

原创 How to fix the svnx Error: Error:Unable to locate svn binary

Svnx just the UI features based on the svn binary.  To make SVNX work, you need let it know where the svn binary is.  I

原创 XCode4.6: Three steps to debug the static library in the application

Step 1: In the application project, set the library path in the xcode Preferences... Step 2: Add the static library p

原创 How To Use NSOperations and NSOperationQueues

How To Use NSOperations and NSOperationQueues 讀過的很好的關於下載優化的文章: This is a blog post by Soheil Moayedi Azarpour, an in

原创 Detecting a mobile browser in ASP.NET

A good document on how to detecting a mobile browser, which saved me a lot of time.

原创 Building iOS Apps for Enterprise Deployment

Followed below document to generate my Enterprise certificate and provision profiles for both development and distribut

原创 進階之中,不斷摸索的培訓之法

自04年參加工作以來,多就職於外企,接觸過較爲正規的培訓,在被培訓與培訓中( 如員工培訓,校園宣講,招聘等),和我個人參與的學生實訓工作中,積累了一些有關培訓方面的想法,願與您分享:   首先,對受衆的認識和分類: 1. 學習能強,技術實

原创 Cannot find the dll error in my IIS server.

In my C# web project, a ESLibrary.dll file was included to provide a calculation service.  But when I come to this page

原创 How to Set Up SSL on IIS 7

文章來源於:http://www.iis.net/learn/manage/configuring-security/how-to-set-up-ssl-on-iis Introduction The steps for configur

原创 Cannot connect to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx when downloading iOS app by OTA

The previous worked site, but now does not work for the downloading of ipa file by OTA.  The error is "Cannot connect t

原创 Transport (VMDB) error -14: Pipe connection has been broken – OS X Fusion 5

To fix above this issue: There are two ways alternatively: Solution 1: Just close the VMWare Fusion and restart the ma

原创 Window/Dialog style could not be loaded.

I got this error when loading my site: In my case, the root cause is that I set the mime t

原创 Objective C: (id)stringWithFormat:(NSString *)format, ... ) 是如何實現的?

原來使用可變變量,簡單的實現原理如下代碼所示: 實現一: 首個參數爲所跟參數的個數,用於限定可變變量列表的大小。 - (NSNumber *) addValues:(int) count, ... { va_list args;

原创 Save a lot of code by using NSClassFromString in Objective C

Recently, I am implementing database synchronize feature by using SQL sync framework 2.1.  In the iOS client, I need sa

原创 'The NIB data is invalid.' foruncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException'

I faced this issue in a very special situation.  To debugging the iOS7 issue in my XCode4.6, I copied the iOS7 SDK from