原创 通過Internet訪問 SharePoint

通過Internet訪問 SharePoint 一旦在你的企業內部開始部署SharePoint,你會發現越來越多重要的業務信息出現在SharePoint的站點上。所有這些信息,如工作文檔,項目信息和其他任何存儲在SharePoint服務器

原创 什麼是適合中小企業的ERP


原创 SharePoint, 如何在列表項的只讀界面DispForm.aspx控制字段的顯示和隱藏

假設一個列表有2個字段 Field A ,Field B。當我點擊一個列表item後,會打開一個只讀界面DispForm.aspx, 這個界面會顯示

原创 WinForms UI Thread Invokes: An In-Depth Review of Invoke/BeginInvoke/InvokeRequred

WinForms UI Thread Invokes: An In-Depth Review of Invoke/BeginInvoke/InvokeRequred Abstract:Marshalling the execution

原创 SSW Rules to Better SQL Reporting Services 2005

SSW Rules to Better SQL Reporting Services 2005 Home About Us About Us Contact Us Let Us Contact You Link to u

原创 動態調用WebService(C#)

2008年12月03日 星期三 16:53 通 常我們在程序中需要調用WebService時,都是通過“添加Web引用”,讓VS.NET環境來爲我們生成服務代理,然後調用對應的Web服務。這樣 是使工作簡單了,但是卻和提供Web服務的

原创 Making raw web service calls with the HttpWebRequest class

Sometimes it's really nice to be able to make a raw call to a web service by manaully putting together your own SOAP

原创 一個SSIS部署問題的探索過程,實在佩服這傢伙

5/2/2006 10:06:01 AM    SSIS Scheduling Failure - AcquireConnection ErrorIn honor of the help that I have recently rece

原创 Launch your application in Vista under the local system account without the UAC popup

原文地址:http://www.codeproject.com/KB/vista-security/VistaSessions.aspx Introduction In Vista, I came across a problem whe

原创 Vista UAC: The Definitive Guide

原文地址:  http://www.codeproject.com/KB/vista-security/UAC__The_Definitive_Guide.aspx   Introduction When I began this pro

原创 MS MVC: Simply Restful Routing

MS MVC: Simply Restful Routing Published by Adam Tybor on December 10, 2007 04:05 am under Development MS MVC first

原创 Excel import gives NULL rows with DTS Sometimes

when the excel column contains numeric and text data, and you try to import the excel data using say DTS, it will give

原创 INVEST in Good Stories, and SMART Tasks

INVEST in Good Stories, and SMART Tasks August, 2003 XP teams have to manage stories and tasks. The INVEST and SMART

原创 SharePoint 2007 - /_layouts and how to create pages that run in site context

  Ages ago, in the time that SharePoint 2007 was still beta, I dived into how to create "in site context" pages that

原创 NET中,WebClient通過代理服務器訪問網頁

            try            {                WC = new System.Net.WebClient();                //實例化代理服務器對